This is forcing humans to define human and to face the existential mysteries of the intended purpose of humanity and the intended potentials of this realm. Both of which have diverged so far off center to this point my concern is more so in human's perception of human than ASI's perception based on that input. Garbage in, garbage out, ya know? If our acceptance of Trump and Biden as being representative of the humans of the one country labeled United States of America says anything about our own level of human awareness - can you imagine that piece of corrupted code spreading at the rate it is being predicted this ASI is going to explode into?
I do not agree with Elon Musk that ALL humans have already reached Cyborg status. The great majority who live in strictly digital societal constructs have indeed met Simulacra status. But many of us, as well as the shrinking number who have not picked up the digital doctrine from the digital missionaries, are STILL aware of the separation between our organic brains and the digital world. Even though the infiltration through light and sound has the potential of an irreversible interface now as well. It has already solidified with many. And this is what some of us have been speaking about for a couple of decades now. We are rapidly approaching the ultimate bottleneck and THE ultimate questions are presenting themselves to each of us continually at this very moment. The choice between Simulation and Prymal is nigh. Here and NOW.
Will you own your Prymal Red Thread or will you choose the new and improved Digital God, nanobytes faster than the old God(s)? Will you reclaim your human computing power, finally striving for what was meant to be THAT legacy? Or will you choose the convenience and the flashy artificial trinkets and glamour? With the Demiurge/Wetiko continuing to vie for dominance through the Ages old political/religious toxic programming?
Just some pondering as this year winds down and we head deeper into the ultimate Dark Half of the Year.
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Just some pondering as this year winds down and we head deeper into the ultimate Dark Half of the Year.
Blessings, Gratitude, & Safe Passage