Thank you, Barb, for bringing this story to my attention. I am compelled to drop a line here about it. And I HIGHLY encourage members to go over and watch this video and take the time to read the comments, especially the top one from another 12-year-old.
This sad event happened in May, and since then the Info Porn scavengers have been using snippets for their own agendas and messages. Fueling the emotive reaction herding run amok all around us. When it was brought to my attention, I was shocked to see the conversation going on in the post it was found in. No one was concerned about the death of the young man or why his father made a video. In the post it almost sounded like the father videoed his hanging. Probably due to some confusing wording and the main focus on the vid this person was watching was taken down as it was being watched. Allegedly due to social media's smack down on activism and information. Without going into detail on that, I will copy my responses within the conversation on that post. Just know that only two in that thread had mentioned anything outside of accusing the "deep state" and how offensive censorship was to them and their entitlement to information as they have come to know it. Not a word for the young man or his father.
My intention for sharing here is to prove that there IS hope for humanity in this sea of insanity. I found it to be a VERY moving story. And the story behind the story of actually getting the message across about the dangers of social isolation and the effects of gaming. POWERFUL message for those who actively disengage in the paranoia and rage herding front stage.
It is up to each of us to be on the look out for these Red Thread moments and to gently hold them, nurture them, hold space for them to grow. To challenge our destructive programming and speak up when we see it wreaking havoc in the minds and lives of others. Not in conflict. But in compassion. Seeking that common ground. Resisting the extremes. To re-member what TRULY matters. What it truly means to be experiencing human. Purging the traumas. Grieving. Growing. Cradling those glimmers of hope for Prymal's gestation. Above all...LOVE. <3
Here is the original video that is still up on YouTube, created by a grieving father. Please take the time to pay attention to the powerful messages in the comments there too. Humanity in its finest. <3
Here are my comments from the other facebook conversation, as well as my part in the pm associated. I will not share the others' out of courtesy. My message stands on its own.
Is this the one your were talking about? Was it the original or was it respun into other channels on copyright dings? Maybe out of context? This happened in May and that is a lot of time for others to take the story and run. So many are concerned more about their own likes, shares, and agendas these days it would make sense folk are just trying to keep the original message true. I may have it wrong, but it is worth considering before jumping directly to nefarious suspicions.
Here is the original link. It is still up. I am not sure, but I have a feeling it may be all the knockoff shares and links that are taking snippets for their own messages being taken down and not the one the father is trying to put across.
Maybe it isn't so much shutting down information but the disrespectful shredding of information that is more of an issue. Just a thought outside the conflict programming box. <3 It IS an amazing message and worthy of sharing from the source.
The REAL story behind the original story, in my opinion, lies in the top comment of the original video by a 12-year-old boy who noticed the effects of gaming and the supportive comments following that. I encourage others who would like to have a look to check it out. It is very much worth it. There still is hope for humanity in this sea of insanity that has most locked into this "race to the limbic system" programming run amok..
Pretty telling as to where priorities lie the more one observes some "conversations," eh? Perfect example for Metadata Backwash and Emotive Reaction Herding, I'd say. I feel another article coming on. Maybe not. So tired of speaking to air. :/
My suspicions are that others are sharing it without permission or even out of context to further their theories and such. Typical behavior these days, sadly.
Private Message Replies:
Saw that. I hadn't seen XXXXXXX's wall for a while and was saddened to see his deep dive into the Info Porn stuff again. And the fact everyone just glazed over the actual news and focused on the "poor mes" and "I am so violated" bs. You and I were on the exact same wavelength there. I am getting sooooooo worn out with this shit and it is only just ramping up. Sigh.
It is unclear if the hanging was actually videoed or if the father was recording an emotional plea after the fact. I don't know much about that story. There are so many now and growing. Plus I am having to take some mental health time for myself and breaks from the craziness in the world is right up there on the top of the list...
I just posted over on XXXXXX's wall under yours to see if this was the one he was listening to. I suspect it was a copyright ding or someone taking it out of context for a completely different message than the father put out.
Probably going to piss some off with my comments. But oh well.
I found the original and it is still up. This emotive reactive shit is wearing me out. I found the father's message very powerful. And I would have a few words about the gaming shit, but pointing that out would be disrespectful and I won't play that game.
Here is the REAL story behind the story in my opinion. Top comment on the original vid by the father.
3 months ago
I'm 12 years old and I have been feeling a lot of stress over playing videogames and because of this I just quit fortnite thank you...
(This is a third-party publication. This is a news story about this family’s tragic loss and desire to share their son’s story).