While we will not pretend to have all of the answers, we can work together to provide a safe and supportive space for folk to explore their authentic individuation journeys and a few services and products to assist on the way. But we will never assume to walk your walk for you. We will attend to our responsibilities and accountability to the best of our abilities. And expect no less from you.
We honor the fact that it is each individual's responsibility to use the tools and services offered. It is one thing to mentor and support, entirely another to do the work for you or to even offer healing or "prayers" unsolicited. Those are passive violations of Free Will and we stand firm in our responsibility. Even when we blatantly see where obvious patterns and defense mechanisms are at play, it is not our place to interfere in those lessons. That is also a passive interference of Free Will.
These violations and interference that have been socially accepted as par for the course are precisely what we have seen happen to many well-intentioned groups, pop-psych promises, religions, and New Cage gurus. Leading well-meaning seekers down various rabbit holes and eddies we can now identify as Savior Complexes of all shapes and sizes. Leaving folk ripe for the influence of all manner of False Light and False Dark agendas. All of which are pieces of the Demiurge/Wetiko programming we are dedicated to pointing out and supporting for those who are committed to the difficult and uncomfortable journey of de-programming themselves and setting out on their authentic paths.
That means being as efficient with our energy as we can, while not allowing our cups to be drained by those who are not fully committed themselves. It is nothing personal. Only accepting the fact that this late in the cycles there is no room to continue spinning wheels and being derailed. As difficult as it is to watch folk slip under while they choose to ignore the life preservers that have been tossed out over the years. Lest we be drug down too.
We will do our best to safely get this valuable information out there again and hope as many as possible heed the warnings and get on with their work instead of continuing to be drug into endless external quagmires and eddies. Our goal is to work with as many serious PathWorkers as possible without jeopardizing the few by the many who are only part way to the level of commitment necessary.
The first step is to take an honest inner assessment and make the fearless promise to Self. It can be done. We are testimony to that. Along with many others who have remained on their journeys.
Those who choose the more scenic routes and find they have a need to fall back into the old patterns cannot expect any of us to drop everything to get them back up to speed. While we completely understand that setbacks are a part of the process, there comes a time the mentors simply have to let go and hope for the best. Hoping that person will figure out how to swim or at least go back to their life preservers and tool kits to start anew. They know what they need to do. And when we see the necessary choices and behavior changes that indicate a renewed level of commitment to catch back up without dragging others down, the joint work can commence again.
We will not tolerate triangulation or other such division tactics either. Most of us can spot these patterns a mile away by now. Personally and professionally. Dealing with similar nonsense over two years ago is what finally led to the need to shut things down and go into our separate healing caves. That will NOT happen again. Everyone will be expected to do their own work. Period.
We have boundless love and encouragement to offer. Just not of the False Love variety. Firm and solidly authentic love will be much more lasting. Our love is unconditional. Choices and consequences are a different matter, however, and we love you regardless of them. For example, a loving parent will allow you to skin your knees. For if they don't, you will never learn how to prevent the same mistake that led to that boo-boo. They can kiss the boo-boo and help you process the lesson, but they cannot stop you from repeating the mistake. Their ultimate goal is to teach you to eventually fly solo. They can love you through the process, even though it is often times just as painful to watch as to be the one experiencing the stumbling. And they will not be doing you any favors by taking your bumps for you or jeopardizing themselves to stop the learning process. Or by forfeiting their own Self Love in the process.
We are honored to be reissuing this material and we appreciate the patience as we prepare it all for publication again. Please feel free to offer your experience, strength, and hope here as well. All input, ideas, and suggestions are welcome too.
FLY, you amazing fledglings....FLY!!!!!!!
Blessings, Gratitude, & Safe Passage
Thank you