Will these folk EVER see/hear how absolutely insane their lack of reasoning power truly is? And this includes ALL manner of demonizing and witch hunt mentality throughout the AGES. This shit is exploding up to the surface all around us now and the majority are STILL grasping at all the various versions of the same old emotive reaction herding. And even the most seasoned of WOKE FOLK are still clinging to the Lucifer/Satan/Babylon scapegoat lies and projections. Claiming to have decoded all of the ancient symbolism to weave into their own brand of ignorance. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!
The latest paradox seems to be the more woke to the truth folk convince themselves they are the further from the actual truth as they plummet further into the constructed rabbit holes. Enough already people. There is a wide, beautiful, awesome Prymal world out here to experience and nurture. But you will never see it if you continue to allow yourSelf to be herded in this manner.
Step out of the Simulation. Prymal welcomes you with open arms once you have stepped out fully and shed the remnants of contamination. It is not easy, but no one ever promised easy.
yes i see your point, yet some are seeing the simulation and have no idea as to how to respond to said reelm. it could also be a positive point, i say let them go on their path, all that continue to see the inversion of the reelm will journey on to the path , it is just the direction may differ