Prymal Pathworking is the deeply Spiritual level of the journey. It is not for the feint of heart. And no, that is not a misspelling. I literally mean FEINT. Look it up. If I had meant to use faint I would have. <3
PathWorking is a method of completely integrating magik into our lives, as we ARE magik. One of the the most damaging things done to humanity was overwriting this fact in thousands of years of ulterior programming by the Demiurge/Wetiko virus programming.
More will be offered here on the details later. For now I am documenting the next phase opening work I have initiated. It was posted on facebook as a public announcement last night and meant especially for the one(s) involved in the sick level of Prymal betrayal that has commenced upon Soul Tribe Sanctuary, its members, and Prymal itSelf over the last 2+ years in particular. The one(s) responsible for this betrayal and subsequent attempts to "teach" Prymal techniques in an ignorant and damaging way will know this has happened on many levels. And they will be held responsible and accountable for their actions. Form and non-form. Ignorance on any level is NO excuse. Recompense has been unleashed. And you thought the Wild Hunt was epic?!?!
Those who are synced with Prymal will also be familiar with what this is all about. And those who it makes no sense to, that's cool too. You may not be meant to know or your denial is your choice. And for some, simply be thankful you don't know of what I speak, but don't cast blame after the fact when you were given every opportunity to open your eyes and ears. Those who DO know on that precise level, don't cast blame after the fact when you were given every opportunity to reconcile your thoughts and actions. This is not our individual judgment. This is Prymal itSelf. Deal with it.
I will post here, in sequence, the build up and statements in last night's opening and declaration. ALL levels of form and non-form are now notified. Human choice is nigh...
The full albums are not necessary for those who are adverse to the genre of musik, but recommended. These are not merely intended for listening pleasure. There are many deep and profound layers to eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to feel. Those who know will gno. Simple.
Listen/watch in order with no distraction and as deep a level of understanding as possible. And offer up your love and support to Prymal to your level of comfort and skill. Leave aside ALL Simulation for the time of entering into your support. And if you have ANY speck of mal-intent, know that is a choice and you are fully responsible for that choice. [If you have any doubt as to what that means, please read this Declaration of Non-Consent THOROUGHLY first (you will find it about 2/3 down the page]: and DO NOT attempt to claim ignorance to the warning after the fact.
This is in defense of Prymal and each of us who are here to re-member the Red Thread of Humanity and to re-weave the un-corrupted Human Tapestry. Immune to The Simulation and free of its effects. FULLY. No half-ass efforts welcome any longer. So it is....
1) The Scorpions did a good remake, but no one can beat the original Rainbow.
2) No apologies...this is where we are in the calm between storms... More to come...
3) Echoes of what was, what is, and what will continue to be... The choice is nigh. (Full album)
4) Next round... (Full album)
5) Tonight's grande finale begins... Last song of Round Two. The one this is meant for will find her. And through her the ones pulling her strings. And through them....
I held back playing devil's advocate until I got the right scent behind the scent. Recompense is unleashed. No more holding back the Prymal Betrayal dam. And you know what's next. Don't you?
6) Those who know me well knew this was coming to kick off the next phase of culling and recompense. And particularly the one who brought such pain and unnecessary disruption. The last time I opened this space was two years ago and since I tried to give you all the benefit of the doubt. NO MORE. I will not hold back any longer... And so it is and it is only the beginning.... You were given ample time to right your wrongs. NO MORE.
As this next working unfolds ALL of your lies and deceit left in your wake will be burned and washed away. ALL your faces. ALL your betrayal. For lifetimes. Back to the Prymal Wound of Sacred Masculine and Feminine.
And so it is.....
7) And now.... For clear eyes to see, clear ears to hear, and clear hearts to feel. Step out of the petty Simulation's squabbles. Prymal awaits with open arms for those ready to walk away from it all. No half-assed attempts allowed any longer.
8) As it was... is... and will be... blatant in your face. The hunters and the hunted. NO MORE. The Heart Fyre and back to the Hearth Fyre. Prymal OR Simulation. It's up to you. Blessings, Gratitude, & Safe Passage. She rises again to join with Him. <3 Humanity's Red Thread is in the balance. Leave those petty squabbles behind..... It is NOT about the color of skin or imaginary borders or your devices or shiny, glittery distractions or Info Porn Programming. The unbinding has happened. The Mitosis has happened. Immunity is coded. Now it is up to you. Or not.
"Remember that we all are brothers All people, beasts, tree and stone and wind We all descend from the one great being That was always there Before people lived and named it Before the first seed sprouted" ~Heilung~ (means healing)
Thank you for joining within your comfort and skill level in support of Prymal. We do definitely live in amazing times. <3
Blessings, Gratitude, & Safe Passage
@Barb Stobaugh @Don Skene @Wind Song Spirit
WE have made an amazing breakthrough.
And the events of the last 4 days I have posted about elsewhere are a direct result of this working. Gratitude to all who have contributed. Knowingly and unknowingly. <3
Excellent! I've had just about the same experience..
I am ready for my role, still not positive what it is. But stepping in full force, 1000% following my Spirit....the healing has gotten deep on my end. Finally faced what I'd been running from
messy is an under tone, perhaps i should suspend posts for now
Had rather a nice 3 1/2 hr wee chat with Talmage today, and I'd say a most productive one at that. Rather interesting fellow and the surname got me by surprise too lol.
You know this reminds me of a story about a group of freedom fighters against a "Cabal".
In the cabals possession is a A.I that is for all best descriptions evil (even called Demiurge) that is released ontlo the net after some nameless individuals created a "good" A.I called "god" (small g)...
now when god was released onto the net folks where not happy. As every dirty secret is revealed to anyone who asks god "what's this or that"...
To undo the breaking of the status quo that god has brought about the cabals release Demiurge, in the hope it will assimilate god and return the world to the old way with the cabal firmly back in the driving seat....
From a book wrote by a Dundee local.
Now if that's not close to the bone I don't know what is
I do hear you all
You called?