A survey response to Panda Express today worth pondering regarding my experience with the way Panda Express is responding to the "current health crisis":
"While I understand the manner of feeling and perceived need to comply I think the whole thing is blown out WAY of proportion and is doing more damage to humanity as a species than helping at this point. The overall threat/risk does NOT correlate with the reaction society is being forced to comply with. And as long as individuals AND establishments continue to play the imbalanced compliance game it will only get worse. Forced responsibility and accountability does more harm than good. Humans will not learn an internal loci of control while being tricked into complying with an external loci of control."
We made a rare trip into town yesterday for a bit of fun and I do have to say that even with my ages-long aversion to shopping Walmart, something happened there yesterday that has me seriously considering a change in my Walmart stance. I never thought I would say it, but I am considering switching to Walmart as my primary shopping option.
It was so refreshing to not be met at the door with the Mask Gestapo and seeing nearly half of the customers not donning masks and not glaring at the ones who choose not to wear them. Smiles and recognition, head nods and pleasant greetings. Prymal finally speaking through human faces again, free of the imposed germ-shaming program tactics.
We also went for a frozen yogurt treat at Yogurtland and was welcomed with a very scaled-down herding program approach and actual sit down tables INSIDE the shop. With NO hyper-sterile paranoia and guilt/shame conditioning going on. Basic sneeze guards in place and actual good old condiment and fruit buffet display. We weren't treated like diseased cattle. Was SOOOOO awesome.
We even saw signs announcing a buffet was now open with in-house seating and we saw lots of school kids doing their daily gym runs in groups without masks. I would say that well over 90% of the joggers we saw had no masks either. Nearly a standard human day.
Kinda felt surreal to catch glimpses of pre-Covid programming days. But we offered up our gratitude and recognition to Prymal peeking through humanity's faces again and connected with as many as we could with Prymal human smiles NOT hidden behind masks. Out in the open where humanity needs to be.