I originally shared this to our facebook group last night because I was not at my pc. It sparked an interesting conversation and I will copy that over here in the comments for the record.
Wendy Sue Norman We do not always know what others need, but we do our best. Even if we do know, weather someone chooses to accept it is not something any of us has control over. I may or may not know more about the incident than you do or perhaps just choose to see it differently. Either way I wish you peace in your journey.
Don SkeneWendy if YOU where involved I hope it weighs heavy in all future decision makings you undertake. Have the day you deserve
Sally MeissnerDon SkeneWendy Sue Norman in the video he talks about a video she had out stating suicide was ok and a reset. One cannot say suicide is bad without saying death was bad. Had over 90,000 views...but has now been taken down. So I'd say very possible she did push that follower over the edge....very very sad3Manage
Don Skene And the trap closes😈 no time for sycophant zealots Marilee you KNOW me. I've lost a few friends to suicide and others yet who are contemplating... on a regular basis 😢I'm one mean bastard as you know but this kills me inside
Don Skene Sally that vid is what placed that "woman" (being polite here and grinding my teeth) on my radar
Barb Stobaugh Yeah, this is another one I saw only a few minutes and I just couldn't swallow it. Teal Swan I'm referring to.
Barb Stobaugh Whatever happened to individuals listening to themselves, eh? I suppose that is the difference here
Marilee NiEtainAuthor Some have been with STS long enough to know my history of entangling with TS and many others like her. I was one of the professionals calling her out that she lashed out at. I began by questioning her misuse of psych terms and have actually worked with some of her former followers as a cult exit counselor - before, during, and after. Some here are aware of my stance of folk who exploit the trauma/victim card and do the opportunistic pop psych, New Cage predator in the guise of sparkly jargon and false empowerment marketing. A good percentage of my former professional client base was clean up from these types of pseudo-psych traps. Just my two cents. <3
Sally MeissnerMarilee NiEtain I'm thankful every day to be one of those left breadcrumbs from the traps and assisted in much needed "clean up" and healing with you💙
Marilee NiEtainAuthorDon Skene I don't think Wendy Sue Norman was saying she was involved, but only commenting as a bystander who likely has only seen this from a headline perspective. Teal did try to back peddle after it was too late. (In my opinion at the time, it appeared more so to cover her own ass.) It is an excellent topic for discussion, as sensitive as it is. Suicide, that is. As well as those who need to be held accountable for what they promote to vulnerable populations, intentionally or unintentionally. A lot more to this one than was on the surface.
Sally MeissnerMarilee NiEtain I see now why your passion against the alt psych/media new cage etc;. Of course things being spread as "truth", when not are most certainly dangerous....but this is a whole nother level to being "led to slaughter". And I DO NOT say that comically....
Sally Meissner Or maybe exactly what was always meant by that phrase?
Don SkeneMarilee I hate trying to guess the damn meanings with some so I'm blunt to a fault you could say, when someone hits you with the royal "we" followed by may/may not that's insinuating language right there.... I'll wait to see if she cares to clarify or muddy it up some more. Time for straight talking methinks.
Marilee NiEtainAuthorDon Skene I agree that using "we" when we really should be owning it with "I" can be confusing communication. But many use it only to soften the conversation. I do see her point about choice, but knowing what I do about the misleading and dangerous mes…See More
Sally Meissner She looks down on health professionals but claims her repressed memories were recovered by a therapist ..wtf. some of the stuff he says I'd never heard....but I completely believe it having had listened to her shit in the past...talk about a narcissist...wow
Marilee NiEtainAuthor A bit of thought on suicide and those who take it upon themselves to be experts with the subject. While the one who completed suicide in this case did make her own decision and paid the ultimate price for that decision, the fact remains she was definitely in a vulnerable position seeking support and guidance. With Teal Swan promoting herself as the ultimate healer and that professional mental health was useless she set herself up as the authority and blatantly gave out very irresponsible advice that sadly resulted in death. I can speak from experience, this is not the only case of vulnerable followers being led to the edge, whether Teal admits her responsibility or not. I, a small town counselor comparatively, had several clients from such a position of repairing the damage done in highly unprofessional mental health dynamics being used as a healing modality. I also know the dangers of the so-called trauma circle healing many of these gurus are peddling. This has become a huge part of the high dollar New Cage industry that preys on some of the most vulnerable of our society. When one uses professional terminology as if they are an authority, telling people their way will garner certain results, it is a very risky undertaking. And THIS is what Dr Grande was trying to point out in his video.Barb Stobaugh Well said Marilee NiEtain, thank you.
Don SkeneMarilee I have reservations and serious questions on that individuals motives from that short interaction. Maybe it's the swan thing rubbing me up the wrong way but I think not, my only concern is if she is/was a friend of your as I dont like causing rifts between folks
Marilee NiEtainAuthorDon Skene I really don't think she had "motives," but I cannot speak for her. It's all good.
Marilee NiEtainAuthorDon Skene Many are more than just a bit touchy as of late. I know I've been on edge for quite some time.
Don Skene Dangerous one this.... one "follower" committed suicide if I remember right🤔
Wendy Sue Norman One client made a choice that Teal had no control over and tried desperately to help. We all have our agency.
Don Skene Wendy Sue Norman that's helping??? More like shoving someone over the edge😡
Wendy Sue Norman We do not always know what others need, but we do our best. Even if we do know, weather someone chooses to accept it is not something any of us has control over. I may or may not know more about the incident than you do or perhaps just choose to see it differently. Either way I wish you peace in your journey.
Don Skene Wendy if YOU where involved I hope it weighs heavy in all future decision makings you undertake. Have the day you deserve
Sally Meissner Don Skene Wendy Sue Norman in the video he talks about a video she had out stating suicide was ok and a reset. One cannot say suicide is bad without saying death was bad. Had over 90,000 views...but has now been taken down. So I'd say very possible she did push that follower over the edge....very very sad 3 Manage
· Reply
· 14h
Don Skene And the trap closes😈 no time for sycophant zealots Marilee you KNOW me. I've lost a few friends to suicide and others yet who are contemplating... on a regular basis 😢I'm one mean bastard as you know but this kills me inside
Don Skene Sally that vid is what placed that "woman" (being polite here and grinding my teeth) on my radar
Barb Stobaugh Yeah, this is another one I saw only a few minutes and I just couldn't swallow it. Teal Swan I'm referring to.
Barb Stobaugh Whatever happened to individuals listening to themselves, eh? I suppose that is the difference here
Don Skene @Barb GIF
Marilee NiEtainAuthor Some have been with STS long enough to know my history of entangling with TS and many others like her. I was one of the professionals calling her out that she lashed out at. I began by questioning her misuse of psych terms and have actually worked with some of her former followers as a cult exit counselor - before, during, and after. Some here are aware of my stance of folk who exploit the trauma/victim card and do the opportunistic pop psych, New Cage predator in the guise of sparkly jargon and false empowerment marketing. A good percentage of my former professional client base was clean up from these types of pseudo-psych traps. Just my two cents. <3
Sally Meissner Marilee NiEtain I'm thankful every day to be one of those left breadcrumbs from the traps and assisted in much needed "clean up" and healing with you💙
Marilee NiEtainAuthor Don Skene I don't think Wendy Sue Norman was saying she was involved, but only commenting as a bystander who likely has only seen this from a headline perspective. Teal did try to back peddle after it was too late. (In my opinion at the time, it appeared more so to cover her own ass.) It is an excellent topic for discussion, as sensitive as it is. Suicide, that is. As well as those who need to be held accountable for what they promote to vulnerable populations, intentionally or unintentionally. A lot more to this one than was on the surface.
Sally Meissner Marilee NiEtain I see now why your passion against the alt psych/media new cage etc;. Of course things being spread as "truth", when not are most certainly dangerous....but this is a whole nother level to being "led to slaughter". And I DO NOT say that comically....
Sally Meissner Or maybe exactly what was always meant by that phrase?
Don Skene Marilee I hate trying to guess the damn meanings with some so I'm blunt to a fault you could say, when someone hits you with the royal "we" followed by may/may not that's insinuating language right there.... I'll wait to see if she cares to clarify or muddy it up some more. Time for straight talking methinks.
Marilee NiEtainAuthor Don Skene I agree that using "we" when we really should be owning it with "I" can be confusing communication. But many use it only to soften the conversation. I do see her point about choice, but knowing what I do about the misleading and dangerous mes…See More
Sally Meissner She looks down on health professionals but claims her repressed memories were recovered by a therapist ..wtf. some of the stuff he says I'd never heard....but I completely believe it having had listened to her shit in the past...talk about a narcissist...wow
Barb Stobaugh Sally Meissner, I'll second that. And it doesn't take much viewing time to see it
Barb Stobaugh Well, unless you fall for the bullshit and have a blindfold over your eyes
Barb Stobaugh And earplugs in your ears
Marilee NiEtainAuthor A bit of thought on suicide and those who take it upon themselves to be experts with the subject. While the one who completed suicide in this case did make her own decision and paid the ultimate price for that decision, the fact remains she was definitely in a vulnerable position seeking support and guidance. With Teal Swan promoting herself as the ultimate healer and that professional mental health was useless she set herself up as the authority and blatantly gave out very irresponsible advice that sadly resulted in death. I can speak from experience, this is not the only case of vulnerable followers being led to the edge, whether Teal admits her responsibility or not. I, a small town counselor comparatively, had several clients from such a position of repairing the damage done in highly unprofessional mental health dynamics being used as a healing modality. I also know the dangers of the so-called trauma circle healing many of these gurus are peddling. This has become a huge part of the high dollar New Cage industry that preys on some of the most vulnerable of our society. When one uses professional terminology as if they are an authority, telling people their way will garner certain results, it is a very risky undertaking. And THIS is what Dr Grande was trying to point out in his video. Barb Stobaugh Well said Marilee NiEtain, thank you.
Marilee NiEtainAuthor Wendy has left STS.
Don Skene Marilee I have reservations and serious questions on that individuals motives from that short interaction. Maybe it's the swan thing rubbing me up the wrong way but I think not, my only concern is if she is/was a friend of your as I dont like causing rifts between folks
Marilee NiEtainAuthor Don Skene I really don't think she had "motives," but I cannot speak for her. It's all good.
Marilee NiEtainAuthor Don Skene Many are more than just a bit touchy as of late. I know I've been on edge for quite some time.