How about when genuine empathic gifts become twisted "dark" defense mechanisms when the empath's own wounds and traumas remain unresolved?
I have been writing about and discussing non-clinically for a few years now a phenomenon I called Empathic and Intuitive Vampire behavior patterns that co-existed with the more popular Psychic Vampire phenomenon that flooded the pop-psych and alt-psych genres for some time. Then came in the narcissist/empath trends, muddling the waters and setting new traps in the New Cage movement. Anyway, more recently there has been an increase of scientific and clinical studies into these areas. And here is an extremely well presented viewpoint into these human behavior patterns that seem to be increasing within our social fabric. Enough that it has actually grabbed the attention of some in the professional realms finally.
While I am not comfortable with referring to these as "dark" traits because of the tendency for the use of "dark" in this manner tends to imply something "wrong" or "pathological" about darkness, but most people are not so inclined yet as to fully and authentically embrace darkness yet. It is getting a bit better in some circles, but the concept is still little more than lip service still. And is a conversation best taken up elsewhere.
One approach I try to convey within Wellness LifePath and Prymal PathWorking, and in more casual circles, is that when these once perceived "gifts" begin to present themselves as challenges to our perceptions of the world and ourselves it is time to really look at them and how they may have actually become an obstacle or hinderance in our growth and how we relate to the world and ourselves. Empathy and Intuitiveness can easy become a hinderance and oftentimes tends to morph into a counter-productive crutch. Even worse, it can be used as a weapon to falsely appear to be helpful and authentic. Especially when they become defense mechanisms to conceal our own unresolved wounds and traumas.
There is even a rapidly increasing pattern of folk with genuine and authentic empathic gifts somehow experiencing a "turn" in the application of their gifts. Where the gift has actually become a curse. To them AND to those around them. This can look like a superficial caring and concern, but in all actuality it has become a defense mechanism to divert the empath from looking at their one wounds and traumas. And if left unchecked long enough, can even morph into a vampiric, feeding opportunity. Where the once genuine empath is using the gift to feed off another and to get their own neglected emotional needs met through another.
This is why counselors and therapists are trained to continually do their own self-evaluation and to seek out another trusted professional opinion while keeping their own shit in check. Lest they become a predator themselves, unaware. Unfortunately, it falls by the wayside quite often. Healers and non-professional helpers should be very aware of this too. It is a main contributor to the social infection patterns in the pop-psych, self-help, and New Cage communities. Self-monitoring and Self-discipline are paramount now more than ever before.
During these long-awaited times of purging and intense paradigm challenge, this opportunity for growth is presenting itself for us to seriously re-examine our old patterns and to cleanse that Red Thread that has become concealed by layers of old, outdated habits and beliefs. Some may even have a level of intentional contamination and misleading elements to them that are being force to be examined.
For now, I hope you find this short clip on the subject helpful in your quest for meaning and understanding on your journey.
Nice write. Important perspective that needs consideration/examination. Always a discussion covered with the family therapist for several years now. Touché dear one!!!!💞