Virgo covers this one thoroughly enough for an intro of one of many of these movements that are finally being tracked much more efficiently as the programming patterns have become more well known through their actions. Many of these groups are the ones who have sparked the violence during peaceful marches and protests who other emotively reactive players in this mess rapidly accused as being of the "cabal" and "government psy ops" etc.
The key to surviving this rapidly increasing chaos scenario is to step out of the emotive herding fray and suspend your opinions and conclusions, avoiding enlisting in extreme "sides" (politically, socially, religious, et al). This is what this herding programming and recruiting opportunists want. So DON'T play. Observe and resist engaging as "they" continue to pull strings. And watch for all of this entering the US political R v B circus, trying to confuse and entice Savior Complex herding to load the polls with. Don't fall for the programming again. The game will cease only if everyone/most refuse to play.
I am REALLY trying to resist an "I told you so" attitude here. PLEASE wake up for REAL this time folks.
Here is a link to the polished comment that is now a blog article:
Want to target the root of the problem and not get sucked into the herd program? Step out of the Right v Left, Red v Blue, Black v White, Vax v No-Vax, et al mindsets and bait. Focus on the underlying extremism that has infested "both" sides of the fabricated front that is designed to pull you into one camp or the other, often with very cleverly concealed ideologies (hidden behind highly emotive and misleading propaganda).
If you must scratch the itch to "know" what is going on, resist taking "sides" without objective and rational research (not the kind that encourages you to blindly follow someone else's impotent research). Study how to do REAL research and not what the pop cultures and extremist ideologies have presented as research.
Learn to critically think for yourself. And not the clever use of even the term "critical thinking" that has actually been presented to the masses as exactly the opposite of what it REALLY is. Bot "do your own research" and "critical thinking" have been used against inquisitive people as a tricky dumbing down tactic for a couple of decades now. What these folk have been presenting as "research" and "critical thinking" are actually the exact opposite and packaged in a shiny, emotive package of anti-government, anti-establishment rhetoric. The phrase "the best slave is one who believes they are free" sums this ageless herding technique quite nicely.
Refuse to let any of "them" lead you by your emotions and insist you choose a side immediately.
Avoid the double speak shame programming like "Be Kind, Wear a Mask" that actually passes judgment in reverse psychology as "If you don't wear a mask you are unkind." Pairing two completely different concepts in this loaded slogan type maneuver is propaganda at its best.
And be aware of all the Hitler Youth type moves being made all around us as we move closer to schools opening and elections right in sync.
These are only a few very surface level examples. Please do not get locked into the examples as your fight. Look at the pattern that is smeared itself across the board, regardless of which "side" (right/left, Red/Blue, etc) is being presented.
You are being herded into the extremes and need to find that fulcrum of power hidden in the middle. Non-reactive. The rudder of reason in a sea of ignorance and insanity.
You, your families, your communities, and humanity itself lies in the balance only YOU can center. But only if you step out of the fray and the herding programs.
IF you really want to affect change, THIS is where you will be most effective.
Find your core, your center. YOURS, not THEIRS. Authentically and reasonably.
Stop being led to slaughter in the guise of righteousness.
I will leave you with a musik video addressing this Double Speak par excellence. And a few links to get you started with learning what critical thinking and research really is and one suggestion to learn want extremism is. I truly hope you will step out of the trend to instantly decide which fabricated "sides" that are being offered up, slow down and command your rational mind, and actually survive this Perfect Storm herding program intact. Humanity depends on it.
Full of the subliminal herding program lies in this musik vid. Look for the emotive symbolism of the different program lies mankind have been fed over generations leading to this Perfect Storm. Will you choose to step out to unravel that old Simulation tapestry, find your own piece of the Red Thread, and help reweave the authentic Prymal Tapestry of Humanity? Or not? Choice is nigh...