THI/TPC is the group who ensued a 2+ year onslaught on Soul Tribe Sanctuary and Marilee NiEtain for pointing out the fraud they were pushing, Manna World Holding Trust, with Kim Goguen. Kim has since split from THI/TPC to set up with her other golden boy, "Tank." And here is another of the Sov Cits who has recently spoken out against Kim and another actor in this saga, Anna Von Reitz, claiming she is the end all too. Unfortunately, this is a common stance by many of these who have bought into the many versions of the Sovereign Citizen movement, which presents in many different ways.
Marilee provided many documents and research on the Sovereign Citizen movement and other components to this Info Porn and Cyber Cult phenomenon on the facebook group, Team Bubba. As soon as her library and research catches up with her at her new location she plans to complete the in depth write up on this much larger problem spreading like wildfire across this country. It is a multi-level, global web and this clip shows the extent of its influence on individual's belief systems and the delusional reactions that will only become more and more common as this unfolds. Sadly, it is very likely it will all play out before she gets her materials back and will have to be written after the fact.
I am going to try to find time today to separate out these different incidents into their own categories, because even though they all started out as examples of Sov Cit ideology at its finest, they have all really taken on their own role in what I refer to as the Demiurge/Wetiko virus programming and different faces of the move toward disruption of humanity's social substrate from slightly different angles. We will watch as these versions evolve and add others as they come up, as they undoubtedly will because this viral threat to humanity is definitely ramping it up in this Perfect Storm. I will also continue to drop information about the Perfect Storm, the different, but similar, ideologies fueling this, and how it all interrelates. It may not be as structured and clear as I had hoped to be by this time in the evolution of the virus, but I will do my best. Just know we are working on some very critical responsibilities on many other levels. In form and non-form. And I hope to have provided enough tools and explanation for you to navigate your roles sufficiently. But I will not be able to walk everyone through this phase step by step. Clearing and tuning YOUR own Red Threads are critical now, and YOUR responsibility. We have NO room for distraction. Distraction is the Simulation's polished crowing glory in this Perfect Storm. If you have some catching up to do in preparation, it is finals cramming time. Thank you for your patience.
Here is a link to Virgo Triad's website where folk can find some excellent reliable and credible information on these subjects:
Is Virgo talking about this then on her live
Wow...but If she's still locked up she's far from innocent...
Monica Greer Justice's preliminary is done and the docket has been updated. Bond info is being changed and this was just posted:
08/03/2020DISMISSED- DIRECT INDICTMENTCharge(s) 2 disposed with a disposition of DISMISSED- DIRECT INDICTMENT08/03/2020DISMISSED- DIRECT INDICTMENTCharge(s) 1 disposed with a disposition of DISMISSED- DIRECT INDICTMENT
Be ready for the frenzied supporters to be running with this on social media as "proof of her innocence." It is more likely that it has been dismissed from a lower court to a much higher court, meaning she is REALLY in deep shit now.
Will keep you posted. Virgo is on it right now too.
There is a much longer list of actors in this Sov Cit stuff and Thomas Williams of THI/TPC has promoted several of them, attempted to use them in certain legal filings of his own (I can provide copies of those legal documents), and currently pushing the National Liberty Alliance. It goes on and on. I can only hope I can get all I have accumulated cobbled back together in time to make a difference. We have already identified four levels of this that has to be separated to be comprehensible to someone just being introduced to the programming. I had to leave all that research behind when relocating this last time and have not been able to get it all to where I am now yet.
And I might as well drop a link to the Johnny Liberty's Global Sovereignty Handbook Handbook here for reference sake for anyone wanting to dig into the ideology and history.
And as a record of what transpired for this contributor to the ideology and has taken others down in its wake:
The United States Attorney's Office
District of Hawaii
Press Release
U.S. Department of Justice United States Attorney District of Hawaii
PJKK Federal Building (808) 541-2850 300 Ala Moana Blvd., Room 6-100 FAX (808) 541-2958 Honolulu, Hawaii 96850
May 30, 2006
For Immediate Release
John David Van Hove, also known as "Johnny Liberty," was sentenced today to 27 months in prison, to be followed by three years of supervised released, for his role in a tax fraud and wire fraud scheme. Van Hove previously pleaded guilty to one count of corruptly endeavoring to obstruct and impede the administration of the tax laws and one count of wire fraud before U.S. District Judge David Alan Ezra in the United States District Court for the District of Hawaii. As part of the sentence, the court ordered Van Hove to pay restitution of approximately $400,000 to investors that he defrauded; these investors were from the states of Hawaii, Washington, Arizona, and New York. Van Hove was also ordered to pay restitution to the Internal Revenue Service based on income he received as a result of producing promotional materials for the Institute of Global Prosperity.
The tax-related obstruction offense to which Van Hove pleaded guilty arose out of activities related to a financial planning and investment advice business he operated from the island of Maui, Hawaii, as alleged in the indictment returned April 7, 2005. According to documents filed with the court, beginning in 1997, Van Hove offered his clients various schemes for hiding income and assets from the IRS, to include the use of "common law trusts" to conceal ownership and control of assets and income; and the use of offshore trusts with related bank accounts in which assets would be repatriated through the use of a debit card. According to information presented in court, Van Hove also offered to set up international business corporations (IBCs), entities that had no independent economic reality and did not represent actual ongoing business concerns. As alleged in his indictment, Van Hove solicited and obtained money from his clients using a series of misrepresentations and false promises, including offering rates of return of up to 25 percent per month, or 300 percent per year on their investment money. According to information produced in court, most of Van Hove's clients received no profits and lost the entire amount they invested.
The case was prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Leslie E. Osborne, Jr. and Tax Division Trial Attorneys Michael C. Vasiliadis and Dean H. Secor. The case was investigated by special agents and revenue agents of the IRS, whose assistance was essential to the successful prosecution of this case.
Today's reply on the Discuss comment board:
Mystik Mountain4 days ago Sov Cits actually labeled themselves with that oxymoron back in the Johnny Liberty and Shrout days. REPLY
Highlighted reply Orange Blossom1 hour ago Only, she never said that. In fact, she specifically said exactly what you just said that it's an oxymoron! You can't be both a citizen and sovereign. So how many other lies will this guy promote? Show less REPLY Mystik Mountain1 second ago @Orange Blossom And that it is the history of the Sov Cit ideology I was referring to. Monica has repeatedly referred to herself as Sovereign (which in this ideology is different than sovereign). The term "Sovereign Citizen" did not originate with the "Feds" labeling in the new classification of "Domestic Terrorist" like many of these various versions of Sov Cits claim. If they knew their own ideological history they would know it was their own founders of the ideology (such as Johnny Liberty/John David Van Hove -> Johnny Darash/Vidurek -> National Liberty Alliance and Winston Shrout - there are more, but these are two of the better documented and convicted of the bunch) that coined the term Sovereign Citizen for themselves. Recently, with yet another morph and confabulation maneuver the Sov Cits are now back peddling the term, which many of us even back in the day were pointing out to their propaganda it was an oxymoron. This mess of the ranters not even knowing their own history reminds me of listening to a Christian and Atheist arguing. The Atheist has usually studied the Christian ideology and history much more thoroughly than the one pushing the parroted versions themselves. Only two key examples of the patterns I write about in my Info Porn Programming series. They all fall apart under critical thought and reasoning analysis eventually. But so many people insist on running half-cocked with the propaganda and this sad situation with Monica Greer Justice (Lotus) is one result of that programming. And even more sad is the fact she is far from the only one snapping from full immersion in these rabbit hole snares. And another very sad result is that the true questioning factors that these narratives are based on are completely buried under layers of fabrication and hype as a diversionary smokescreen. And the very ones screaming the "injustice" don't even see how they are being played by the monster they claim to so passionately be warring against. Just my 25 cents worth for the day.
As soon as we get things stabilized sufficiently here we will be starting another series on what we are seeing as a part of this Info Porn programs connected to shutting down the throat chakra with this mask propaganda and the problematic responses to the propaganda that has a direct hit on our base humanity. More to come pretty soon. But we are forced to focus on stabilization and saving our own asses right now. lol
Omg wow wtf
Now that we have at least four branches spiraling out of the original topic here, I think I will break these up into separate threads to avoid more confusion. And if there are any in the Prymal Peer Group who would like to process and discuss this very important issue over on the private group platform, please feel free to start up some dialog over there too. That is a safe place to discuss these types of topics away from the prying eyes of those who are known to lash out and target anyone who disagrees with them and their ideologies.
Update on Monica Greer Justice:
And Marilee's reply on YouTube:
Mystik Mountain5 minutes ago (edited)
Marilee here. :)
I have been looking deeper into the history of Ohio "workhouses" and am still trying to narrow the info to more recent events and as close to Columbus as I can. I am also sorting through verified vs rumored information on this "subsystem" of incarceration. There is more on Cincinnati and Cleveland than Columbus. Appears to be a special needs incarceration set up that attends to a variety of situations.
As for the bonding situation, this is only a guess at this time, but I think what we are seeing is an active bond for the charge involving the hospital that happened the Friday before the stand off situation and a "no bond" for the more recent charges of Felonious Assault. This may mean that she is also looking at violating her bond agreement with the first if this is the case. It does look confusing, but if they are dealing with two separate bonding situations at the same time it would make sense. I will keep digging, but I am with you the way they present their information is very confusing. Maybe a call to the County Clerk would help clear up some of the confusion? And it appears she is currently being held in one of the "workhouse" facilities.
It is still unclear if the mental health evaluation was related to the Child Protective Services issue or the other issues going on (i.e., eviction, probate, hospital/mask incident, growing filings she has been submitting, etc.), or a combination of all of the above. There are so many separate tangents going on. As a side note, for one of the "workhouse" localities I have been looking at it was set up in conjunction to the jail infirmary for such instances as pregnant women or women with young children, but also for those with much less serious charges. It is just a hunch, but if there is a mental health concern with what we are seeing with Monica, it could be a special needs case connected with that. Not confirmed though.
And thank you, Virgo, for speaking to the human compassion side of these very sad ordeals.
And this is the heart of it. These words speak truth so beautifully, and this as you pointed out, is what Prymal asks us to focus on now and going forward:
"We have a beautiful opportunity to reclaim humanity's Red Thread and begin reweaving the authentik Human Tapestry as it was meant to be. Before the Demiurge/Wetiko infestation we speak of here.
This will need to be attended to from two angles. One by identifying the affects, detoxing the mind/body/soul/Spirit complex (of form AND non-form), and building the immune systems of the entire complex. Secondly, learning a clearer way to BE in Prymal. Separate from the Simulation. Re-member-ing Self, bringing it all back to center, being creative and self-sufficient, and simply being human in this short blip of a heart beat of the universe. Until slipping fully back into non-form. THAT has always been the message and goal of Soul Tribe Sanctuary. And THAT is what we are trying to re-establish and get back on track again with. Wounded but wiser. With a realistic acceptance that this is NOT for the many. But for a very few ready to do the necessary work. And that starts by seeing this situation for what it is.
What we are seeing all around us in this realm right now is a direct refection of all we have tried to present and assist with for years. To prepare for this time of The Perfect Storm. Re-member...the unbinding HAS happened... the mitosis HAS happened... the Prymal Fyre HAS been re-ignited... the Simulation IS in its final implosion, self-consuming death throes... Just as presented. The time of choice is nigh. <3"
This is the WHOLE PURPOSE of Soul Tribe Sanctuary. Always has been. Helping others to find their center, to remember, reclaim, and to live an authentik (with a 'k', not a 'c') Prymal life, in an individual meaningful way, tapping into that Red Thread, the tapestry, the stories/traditions/rituals of their paths/heritage/culture... Soul Tribe Sanctuary's whole purpose is to assist in doing that. By modeling, by providing real examples, by offering a safe place of healing, a cave so to speak in which one can explore their individual path and learn to live a Prymal life in a world that does not necessarily hold that as valuable to a large degree. However, things ARE changing :) and I see this idea of what we call "Prymal" being valued more and more and more... Because recent events have made it so. We are so far from center in more than just the obvious way that people are aching to find something authentik in this life, in this world- and have unfortunately made some big mistakes along the way to finding it. It's sad that this world, in times past, has moved away from that authentik way of living that had served us so well for so very very long... Time to remember and reclaim that, and in the process, remembering and reclaiming ourSelves will happen naturally.
I believe that we are very fortunate in these specific times though. We have so much knowledge and opportunity at our fingertips, yet also do not have to endure the harsh times our Ancestors did due to progress. It is the perfect condition for comfort, reasonably convenient living, AND authentik Prymal experiences. You see, it will allow us to go backwards AND move forward all at the same time. It's non-linear. You exist in a non-temporal state both in the realms of form and non-form. Some people have known and existed and experienced this way of life for generations. Only recently has it been nearly obliterated; so I believe it's not too late to get it back... But it is perhaps our last chance.
For those wishing to stay abreast of the charges against Monica Greer Justice (AKA Lotus) you can search Monica Justice, Case No. 2020 CR A 010576, here: As of 07/26/2020 she is in custody with no bond for two felonious assault with serious injury and an arraignment hearing scheduled for 07/28/2020. And this will only be the beginning of a very long road back to prison for her. She is recently out of prison for assaulting an officer in a court room and has a long history of worrisome behaviors and activities.
I think it has been observable in the past, the programming, etc... (and just because I believe that programming is a real thing does NOT mean I automatically support "alt media" perspectives on the whole)- but now in current times with the internet and youtube it just has changed things at hyperspeed and ramped it up fully in a new and different way to the point it is OBVIOUS to see for those with "eyes to see and ears to hear"... I believe this: We have been given opportunities, all of us, in about the last 4 to 6 years to see it, to make our mistakes, to experience the trauma and to learn and heal from those experiences, and to learn our lessons- IN PREPARATION FOR THESE SPECIFIC TIMES THAT WE ARE UNDERGOING NOW... "Infoporn" being both a big harvesting net and catalyst for change, depending on which side of the water you are swimming in... For those that learned and could see, feel, and know it was coming, they were prepared to a certain extent, "immunity" was up, and they will be able to survive it. For others, who perhaps did not have as much immunity or did not see, or did not learn their lessons, or let the distractions get the better of them- well, they have and will continually find themselves swept up in the current, with unstable footing, and confused in where they are going and in what really matters, and finding it difficult to make important changes "stick". These are wonderful times too, for it is apparent to me how on one hand "devolution" and "dumbing down" is taking place at an alarming rate, while on the other, people are also seeing what is really important and what is valuable, and why these particular things are valuable and important and worthy of cherishing and passing on. Things like creativity, reasonable levels of self-sufficiency, self-care, preserving and nurturing important personal relationships, community, tradition, heritage, etc. All the things, incidentially, that Prymal stands for. So you see, there are two currents moving here in opposite directions. I suppose there are all kinds of little undercurrents, overcurrents, and middle-of-the-road currents simultaneously happening, which is to be expected and which is just as valid- but these are really the exception rather than the rule. But I ask- Which current will you find yourself going with? Because I guarantee, these two major currents will end up resting in two completely different opposite places when all is said and done and when the dust settles. Interesting to think about, eh? The truth of "The Overman"is hitting me really hard this evening...
It almost seems like the "beliefs" of a group like THI made it more like a religion (group- think, dogma, rules, a "leader", followers, certain expected behavior), and STS is more of a spiritual path (it is an INDIVIDUAL path, with Prymal being something that encompasses and underlies many different paths/traditions/cultures).
I'm still trying to process it. Whatever it was, I know I do not want any part of it
I think what floors me is how the course of this has played out, how STS became involved with THI/Chloe/Tommy/Kim... People had been damaged from this or that (in general, not even from THI) and people turned towards spirituality, that great "movement"- and had begun looking en masse for healing... But often in the wrong places (damaged from online cults, joining online cults, etc.). You take a group online (STS) that is able to assist in that arena... It leads to collaboration with others along seemingly similar lines (Chloe, who is linked to Tommy, who is linked to Kim)... Although initially there was note comparison and the beginnings of collaboration, it soon became apparent that the views of the other players were not along the same lines of STS... Personal connections were made, the call for help was answered, which enraged the other players and it just became all about the personal stuff... THE PROBLEM as I have pointed out is this really weird movement of pairing the spiritual path with politics, financial workings and money (crypto currency, Patreon donations, etc.), nationalism, defending and uncovering ritual killing and sexual abuse of kids/animals/earth, etc. and yes- even throwing ALIENS into the mix- AND THEY ALL ARE WRAPPED UP INTO THE SAME GROUP/PROGRAM/MOVEMENT... It's bizarre, it's really really bizarre... People are so desperate to be healed, to avoid pain, to belong, to get the largest number of youtube followers, to lead, to become "instantaneously" famous online, to be a celebrity, to "uncover" something horrific and become a savior, to be somebody other than who they are. It's maddening, what is happening out there. It's sick, the corruption and the wrongdoing and the abuse... But it is also sick, those self-appointed saviors are also inadvertently causing harm and trauma. Both sides are just extreme and careless and abusive. "I can be a nobody and can become a somebody on the internet if I just start this channel," etc.... Well, that is how STS got involved with this whole insane destructive thing- the internet is a tool, to teach and reach and engage and build community. But not everyone sees it that way- it is also a way to take advantage, to con, to abuse, to shout, to scream, to lie, and all sorts of horrific things. And yes, also the need to trust and assist, that was also a downfall of STS...
Well, the focus of STS has never changed. Lesson learned about collaboration with others who have insane weird agendas; the good intentions were there and Marilee, you could not ever have brought as much power to your punch to warn others about the programming and "movements" and dangers out there if you had no real personal experience with it... It's crazy those programs that wrap up the politics, money, aliens, etc. with the "spiritual" path. Well, STS is not that and never will be. I would always say STS is not "that"- it's not that "alternative" path- THAT is something else WAYYYYY out there that is not in any way stable, heartfelt, original, authentic, helpful, or genuine. It is NOT STS. It did show me without a doubt what we are all dealing with here in these times- the virus, the Simulation, whatever you wish to call it- and what a difference it makes when you go the OPPOSITE DIRECTION. I urge you all to move away from that (virus/simulation), it's so much freer on the other side lololol. I used to see Prymal as something "alternative"; but it has become so incredibly clear that Prymal is anything BUT that. NOT alternative, but something other groups and peoples have been incorporating into their lives for THOUSANDS of years and for THOUSANDS of generations, something that has suddenly become lost for no good reason other than political agendas, spiritual agendas, social agendas..... And it's time for it to come back. Humanity desperately needs it, I'm telling you. Things are getting so dumbed down and artificial it's just laughable and so obvious at this point that no one can see it. WHY, I'm not sure. But the whole thing is just BIZARRE. So get your heads out of lala land and look at what 's really going on (not the programs, look beyond that) and compare it to Prymal and you will see where truth really resides....
And if you are referring to how STS got tangled up with Thomas Williams, Chloe Kirker, Kim Goguen, and crew it was simply through naive trust and accepting people at face value. We thought there was some common ground to build on using Marilee's work in Grounding, Centering, and Protection which Thomas' girl friend, Chloe, was also beginning to write about. Kim was involved in the background at first (for a very long time we found out later.) Slowly, common members began working together and when certain claims that Chloe was in danger, Marilee agreed to house her temporarily until the "danger" passed. Falling for the whole charade that would subsequently ripple out into many lives and many directions. Many faces of the same "beast."
Things started spiraling out into the STS member base, the couple "broke up," and then the onslaught of craziness ensued and did not stop. Even after Chloe convinced another big, loving heart to "rescue" her again. (She is now in round four of the same program since this time. With new "rescuers" in the clutches right now. Leaving yet more damaged "rescuers" in her wake.) Many members were betrayed and damaged. A few have thankfully found their way out of the mess. And unfortunately, some have simply found other splinter groups to join. (Hence these latest three separate, fighting groups appearing to be fighting amongst themselves.) In and out of this core nest that had splintered from yet another group years before. It is definitely an exponential fractal algorithm. Just as Marilee tried to describe it many years ago as well. With others, then allies and friends, taking the odd infestation path as well.
It is a very long and convoluted story that needs to get out to as many as possible to see the patterns of what is going on in our world right now. As this one circus is only one small example comparatively to the the global scale. Marilee is negotiating selling the story so it can gain the audience it needs. For others to hopefully be able to exit the programming, or avoid it altogether. But nearly everyone has been affected from one version of this phenomenon or another at this point. She also wants to be able to sign, seal, and deliver the story for her own closure and to be able to move on with the work that truly matters for those who make it through this Perfect Storm she was trying to prepare people for at the point of being targeted as she and STS were.
We have a beautiful opportunity to reclaim humanity's Red Thread and begin reweaving the authentik Human Tapestry as it was meant to be. Before the Demiurge/Wetiko infestation we speak of here.
This will need to be attended to from two angles. One by identifying the affects, detoxing the mind/body/soul/Spirit complex (of form AND non-form), and building the immune systems of the entire complex. Secondly, learning a clearer way to BE in Prymal. Separate from the Simulation. Re-member-ing Self, bringing it all back to center, being creative and self-sufficient, and simply being human in this short blip of a heart beat of the universe. Until slipping fully back into non-form. THAT has always been the message and goal of Soul Tribe Sanctuary. And THAT is what we are trying to re-establish and get back on track again with. Wounded but wiser. With a realistic acceptance that this is NOT for the many. But for a very few ready to do the necessary work. And that starts by seeing this situation for what it is.
What we are seeing all around us in this realm right now is a direct refection of all we have tried to present and assist with for years. To prepare for this time of The Perfect Storm. Re-member...the unbinding HAS happened... the mitosis HAS happened... the Prymal Fyre HAS been re-ignited... the Simulation IS in its final implosion, self-consuming death throes... Just as presented. The time of choice is nigh. <3
People better watch their asses, start thinking ONLY for themselves, stop allowing themselves to be led by the nose.... Besides them dragging you through the mud (for what stupid reason again????), and how you even got mixed up with that lot to begin with I don't know, but Chuck was right- this is dangerous stuff. And people really ARE drinking the Kool Aid, as hard as that is to believe- BUT THEY ARE drinking it... And trying to spread it to you, and your kids, and your neighbors, and your co-workers, and your relatives. Watch out for any "movement" that finds it's way to you- because there is an agenda behind it, for certain. You think you are sane enough NOT to fall for some of this stuff, but it works on the mind and before you know it you are spouting crazy shit too, and become one of the "crazies". I am still seeing it happen with people I have known a long long time. The tin-foil hat is just waiting there in the corner- something odd is happening to good, reasonable, sane, responsible people, turning them into something else. And it's not pretty, and it's not funny, and it's not good. There is NO good in these movements that are happening right now. These are weird and scary times. It's almost scarier to be one of the sane ones that are watching it from afar. I hope any of you reading this are watching it from afar....... Please, keep it that way. Any of you old enough to have kids that are in their twenties or thirties, please educate them on what is going on so they don't fall for it. These young ones are being swept up by events and think they are doing what is right. They might be... I have seen the rhetoric "click" in their minds though, and almost invisibly, the trajectory turns into something more sinister somehow. We that are old and have seen shit happen need to encourage, educate, and help these young ones see through this bullshit. Unfortunately, it is not only the younger generation... The older citizens are falling for the bullshit too and are spreading the news and giving encouragement to drink the Kool Aid... It's so fucking sad