I am not sure how a few sources online right now are arriving at the July 4-5, 2020 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse as being called a "Ring of Fire" eclipse, which is an annular solar eclipse. Where the wires got crossed I do not know. But I have come across more than one claiming this. Sounds like crossed wires like we often hear about Blood Moons (like this one is also being called in other camps) and their supposed links to various prophecies when in fact they have nothing to do with the fear narratives that like to attach to them.
Our days of rumors of rumors leave me scratching my head at times like these. And this Info Porn narrative spin program has been a focus of much of my observations over the last few decades. I do have my theories as to the weird glitches in the primary narrative stream. But will keep that one under my hat for now. We definitely are living in bizarre times. Beyond "interesting times" of yore.
Solar eclipses always fall on New Moons and Lunar eclipses always fall on full moons. The last Ring of Fire solar eclipse was June 21, 2020 and the next Full Buck or Thunder Moon eclipse July 4-5 is not a solar eclipse.
This lunar eclipse of July 4-5, 2020 is a significant marker indicating the final eclipse of a rare cycle of lunar and solar eclipses during the 2018-2020 span.
I will include some links here that explain each of these events. The last one actually combining all of these events into yet another doom's day prediction based on Ages of religious propaganda to keep their followers tip toeing on eggshells and filling the collection plates. Rumors of their version of a Blood Moon being a some kind of a "sign" during tumultuous times such as we are watching being pumped out will undoubtedly have more than a few eagerly awaiting an answer. And/or a savior. Just hope it is not another goose step tactic precursor following the zealous patriot rally call super show yesterday. Yes. That is how it came down before. Almost blow by blow.
And if anyone can enlighten me as to why some folk are calling this lunar eclipse a Ring of Fire, please do. I strive to understand just how these rumors take hold and the damage they cause to our young
"(Mis)Information Age." Wouldn't surprise me if next week the next revolving (now technologically obsolete) "chip - mark of the beast"will be added to this one two. These folk are not even adhering to the old 6-month fear porn drip feed cycle anymore. We are in The Perfect Storm and seems to be a free for all rumors of rumors frenzy going on. Sheesh..... what an info scramble grande finale. I wonder how this one is going to get spun into the sov cit or racial hot topic or Yellowstone is gonna blow or Cascadia is gonna slip or child/human sacrifice/trafficking/pedophile or any other spun narrative/hype.
A few words for the ones hell bent on perpetuating this circus. Take a thread of truth and line your sensationalized drama pockets as the mighty slacktivist keyboard and YouTube warriors scrambling to be king/queen of the tabloid mountain you are. All while the effects of secondary trauma and disrespect of victims and front line responders compounds the problem. Clogging the courts and stressing the already stressed systems. Not to mention the exaggerated and extensive high frequency fear states of those just being exposed to this "awakening" narrative gone awry are being drug into. Then told to not give into the "lower" frequencies where we heal and process. Folk are frying synapses and popping reactively all around us in these imposed hyper fear states regardless of how best they are trying to adapt and maintain.
Solution? Jump off that roller coaster long enough to take a breath and get the synapses back online. Get Spirit back in the driver's seat, or find some down-to-earth folk to help you re-member a trusting relationship with Spirit again. This is one such community. There are others. Just hit the pause button for a reflective minute. <3 It's a start. <3
Celestial fireworks: See Jupiter and Saturn with a 'Buck Moon' lunar eclipse this Fourth of July weekend by space.com
The 'Buck Moon' lunar eclipse this Fourth of July will be hard to see by space.com
Ring of fire' solar eclipse of 2020 dazzles skywatchers across Africa and Asia by space.com
Annular solar eclipse on June 21, 2020 by earthsky.org
What’s a Blood Moon? by earthsky.org (and the one claimed below doesn't even follow their own calculations and claims so I am perplexed at how this one really fits in, cherry picking or not)
'Ring of fire' eclipse could be sign of apocalypse sending 'darkness over the Holy Land' by dailystar.co.uk
(Apologies for the click bait aggressive nature of this last site, indicative of the differences between source sites. A topic I will be covering soon is how to identify the credibility and likely motives driving such sites and how filter through their agendas to try to find the half truth buried in the agenda.)
Edited and new links added. Please check latest edit by refreshing you browser.