The blatant fear/anger emotive herding disinformation distraction link to the Satanic Panic of the 80s and 90s I have been trying to point out and the "Pizzagate" Q-spiracy craze and their hijacked "savethechildren" only damages the true work with real victims and their healing. By sensationalizing and peddling the fear/anger drug to the masses. Have a look at the in-your-face "pizza" link in this: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8510350/
This is classic diversion of human responsibility on the Satan/Lucifer scapegoat lies. The Ages old "devil made me do it" excuse should have run its course by now. The "devil" (the human created egregore named Satan, the misnomer mythos about Lucifer, and many of the thousands of scapegoat thought forms humans have fabricated throughout time) is NOT doing these things. Never did. Humans are. And always have. Humans that need to be held responsible and accountable. On both sides of the blaming spectrum. Including the ones abating the horror by playing into the deception in the guise of righteousness.
Do not jump to the programmed broad brush confirmation bias tactic by screaming that I am saying these ugly, nasty things do not happen. Remember, I have shared my personal and professional involvement in the trenches of addictions, damaging cults, child/human sexual/ritual abuse and trafficking - as a victim AND as a healer/counselor. It is VERY real. But there is a reason I held the details of my horrors close, sharing only briefly, in private and public circles. Primarily to honor my own healing and to keep the focus on the healing part. By not allowing the gory details become the insatiable fodder of those who would rather feed on the gore - for their own perverted reasons. And the perversion of raging voyeurism is just as vile as the ones who actually commit the acts themselves. We have the power to step out of the mob mentality and frenzy and be constructive with our fear and anger. Or not. Choice is yours. And yours alone.
But please stop the bastardization and disrespect of real victims of this vilest of human expressions by contributing to the secondary and vicarious traumatization of all involved by weaving it into the entertainment and fear/anger addiction programming running amok right now. We are causing much more harm than good by promoting the fabrication and sensationalization of all the damaged and lost lives with the liking, sharing, false compassion reporting, outright doctored memes and headlines, and slinging lies and accusations out randomly at people trying to do their work in the trenches and offering a rudder of reason in a sea of unsanity. The false accusations are the primary smokescreen the actual perpetrators count on. And thank you society for providing that for them. They couldn't have done it without you.
Focusing our righteous anger, REASONABLY and EFFICIENTLY, at the core of the problem instead of reckless sling fests and false accusations at one another will be much more effective. Starting with challenging our own emotive reactions to the Attention Economy triggers and distorted belief systems that seep from nests much worse than the gore portrayed with intentional misrepresentation. Pitting caring and compassionate people against one another. Only to funnel the attention, political maneuvering, and monetary rewards behind the curtain. Leaving the actual perpetrators of these sick crimes free to continue their predatory games well beyond the smokescreen we are helping maintain.
What can YOU do in YOUR IMMEDIATE time/space in regards to this Perfect Storm? You guessed it. STOP projecting responsibility outwardly. Clean up your own inner space first. What makes you vulnerable to believe the spun scripting lies over reason and fact? How can you set that conditioned trait aside and get on with rational action... Then your immediate environment, your own back yard... THEN reach out to an immediate other... And then another... Solid, individual links will create a much stronger and truer human tapestry than a haphazard shit show of blind blame and shame, ignorantly believing unsubstantiated bullshit narratives.
PLEASE stop buying into the frenzy, whether it is financial, political, religious, or social activism rage. Apply this to the Attention Economy material I have also shared here. Bottom line - you either want the Simulation to continue its self-consuming path or you want Prymal. There is no half-assed fence sitting ground now. Fantasy has become fact and fact has become fantasy.
WAKE UP. Literally. Not just angry lip service that has replaced the anesthetized False Love & Light hopium fantasies. Many now are neurotically letting that pendulum swing wildly from one extreme to the other, hoping the justification and passive/aggressive tendencies will soften the inner conflict and discomfort a bit. At the expense of humanity itself. Our inner turmoil is reflecting itself out into the social landscape. It is up to us to get reacquainted with our own inner locus of control. Humanity's future relies on this simple Truth. Simple never meant easy, however. We CAN do it. We HAVE to do it. No one or nothing else will do it for us.
Rant over. Much love, everyone.
Blessings, Gratitude, & Safe Passage
How timely. David Whitehead just did a live interview today of one of the in the trenches human trafficking warriors. So, let's have a look at outside of the armchair and silver screen versions, shall we:
Very, very, very well said. There is so much important information in this one single post- that some may want to read it again slowly, to digest it all, or some may want to go by the frequency of what is being said rather than getting bogged down by the words... Either way, it's worth a second, third, or fourth read. Profound, true, and applicable in many ways. Thank you for this. It is so important.