Some here will recall my lectures on Satanic Panic and all the other conspiracy prototypes that make up what I started calling the build up to The Perfect Storm and wrote about publicly in 2016-2017 primarily.
A question I got today was about Satanic Panic of the 80s, the prototype of the more recent Pizza Gate and subsequent spins came up today. Those who know me, know of the level which this played into my own healing and career path choice. Out of the trenches and right back in...
Some day I will get it all chronicled and maybe all of my journals, research, and library. And the only regret is it will not be in time for The Perfect Storm raging around us so folk could be prepared. But I did give it all I had. And then some. A few listened. More didn't. And even more don't even care to hear about it even now. And that's okay. It is what it is.
Here is a very surface level summary of that Satanic Panic of the 80s for anyone who cares to, or dares to, see the correlation we have been yammering about for so many years. Dropping it here as this category grows and is available for eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to feel.
And then I hope you will have a look around as we also rebuild the Prymal solution features again. Lots on the table and drawing board right now. On stage and off. In form and non. And THAT is our primary focus here, btw.
Blessings, Gratitude, & Safe Passage