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Shaman? [Peek at the Info Porn Cyber Shaman]

Writer's picture: Snow FyreSnow Fyre

This article was first published prior to 04/20/2015 and again 12/23/2016. Revised and republished 06/11/2019. With this republishing (04/06/2020), I will introduce one of the many characters in the Info Porn and Social Psychosis series, the role of the Cyber Shaman.

Please do not assume I in any way claim title of "Shaman." The term "shaman" has gathered huge baggage over time by the many who have laid claim to its origins and purpose. I do ascribe to a Shamanic Path, however. This path is a lifestyle, not a doctrine or religion. If one were to corner me into the belief in a title called "Shaman" I would have to say each of us are our own "Shaman." This applies equally to any of the myriad of titles and standards of hierarchy placed upon us. Priest, priestess, god, goddess, ascended master, guide, "higher" self, etc. are wires of the cage that keep us from knowing and experiencing our own true sovereign Spirit.

Generations of societal conditioning through fear, guilt, shame, power, and control have left the masses easily triggered to avoid the Prymal existence that surrounds us, regardless of the level of awareness one holds on to. The time of many tribal prophesies of transition are upon us. The time of institutional hierarchy, federations, and alliances (Simulation) are now moving through a transformational renewal of tribal counsel and collaboration (Prymal). This is not a collective assimilation, but a solidarity among sovereign Spirits. This moment of flux and reset can be extremely stressful and confusing. A time of endings as well as a time of beginnings. A time of reconciliation. Inevitable dis-member-ing and re-member-ing of Shamanic initiation for those choosing a Prymal life over Simulation. Not a Light vs Dark conflict, but back to a Light AND Dark harmony, respect, and honor. Complete with true responsibility and accountability for our place and roles. As creators. Not replicators. Free from the information overwrites of the Simulation and its effects.

Awakening to this level is simple, yet not easy. It's certainly not for everyone and that's okay. We are all where we need to be at any given moment. We do not have to agree totally on any of this - just respect and honor where the other is at on their journey. Support of one another as we weather this transit is paramount. This is the role of such groups as Soul Tribe Sanctuary and my role as Shamanic Mentor. The time of resistance is over. The time of regathering has begun.

As for my personal spiritual path, I consider myself Pagan - walking a Shamanic path. I am very eclectic, meaning I draw from many mythos and ancient philosophies. Two of the strongest philosophies I lean toward are pre-Christian gnostic ("inner wisdom") thought and pantheistic views. The "Old Ways" refer to the ancient western cosmology leading to a term I fondly and proudly apply to myself - Hedge Wytch. I study and live outside conventional, institutionalized belief systems and religions - from beyond the hedge. Being Shamanic simply means that through trial by fyre/dark night of the soul journeys I have learned to walk simultaneously "between the worlds," beyond the veil of illusion.

Absolute spiritual sovereignty is paramount for me. This means I do not placate, worship, subjugate, or lean on any outside energy force for my spiritual well being and growth. I bypass any external thought forms that may have coalesced into what humans have labeled as gods, goddesses, angels, demons, guides, masters, etc. I work "hand in hand" with the basic elements of the natural Universe honoring both dual aspects of all - Shadow AND Light. I hold to the basic principles of Nature and Universal Consciousness - The ALL. My soul remembers our spiritual lineage and core wisdoms preclude the introduction of the human form. A form meant to bridge Spirit through the process of evolution.

This is a beautiful path but carries with it huge responsibility and accountability, which I do not take lightly. Much of this has been handed down from generation to generation through ages of suppression and genocide. Slivers remain, however, and I am honored to be one of the Gate Keepers. The repository gates leading to the Core Wisdoms of Old have opened. If you are called and drawn to these mysteries feel free to contact me. I am honored to serve as mentor, torch bearer, and translator.

I learn more from those I mentor than I could ever hope to offer them. I hope you will be the next one to share their journey with me. Welcome.

***Revised 06/11/2019: I am no longer accepting individual mentorees on this level. I am developing neo, novice, and adept material modules for independent Prymal study to be published very soon. These are in the forms of Wellness LifePath for the more secular application and Prymal PathWorking for those more spiritually inclined.

Hopefully these two links will remain active. If you find them broken, please let me know. These articles lead to an outside blog and/or website. They have fabulous information on the different perspectives of Shamanism. Provided for educational purposes only.

***Introducing the character of Cyber Shaman as it relates to the Info Porn and Social Psychosis series. One side show of the Info Porn series I am writing about is the growing phenomenon of Cyber Cults. These are groups of internet cults that have formed from the prototypes of the New (C)age movements and savior programs. These dynamics will be discussed in detail as we move forward with our next chapter in this journey.

As for Cyber Shaman, we have the latest version of Spiritual path short cut charlatans. Peddling immediate gratification through the internet with all sorts of feel good, surface level, glittery words and practices. Info Porn refers to the surface level promises and stimulation that is more a form of entertainment than of an actual blood, sweat, and tears experiential initiation EXPERIENCE. (The key to evolving as opposed the the Simulation's de-evolving tactics is to apply experiential layers to information to arrive at knowledge, from knowledge to gnosis, from gnosis to wyrd wisdom....) One cannot progress into the deeper of wisdoms by watching and listening to someone else who has spun a thread of Ancient truth through the eye of the Simulation needle. And all of the characteristics of the Simulation (Demiurge/Wetiko/AI-AC-VI-VC) are always evident in the actions over time of these self-professed Cyber Shaman. They will ultimately lead right back to the same old replicated patterns and behaviors. Regardless of how well they are covered up by the illusions of sparkly words and packages.

Image Credit: Cyber Shaman by Simon Stalenhag

Be watching for the Info Porn series, complete with the Info Pimps, Hookers, Voyeurs, Flashers, Exhibitionists, Intellectual Intercourse, Mental Masturbation, and more. Complete with all the varieties of Spiritually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). All fed into the perpetual immediate gratification and addiction hype of all forms of media and LARPing cut throat competitions.

Blessings, Gratitude, & Safe Passage

Marilee NiEtain (SnowFyre)

Mystik Midwyfe/Elder, Crafter, & Author/Scribe

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