This article was originally published 02/12/2017 and again on Mystik Mountain 06/19/2019. Today I am republishing it to Prymal Fyre, 04/17/2020.
Early morn musings...lifting this little diatribe from another conversation elsewhere this morning...[my] words to an ongoing conversation to ponder...or not...
"I don't think it is the sharing of ideas so much, but the intent behind the action I am more concerned about. I have no issue with people sharing any of what I put out there for the sake of sharing. But when it becomes fuel for the already out-of-hand inferno of gossip and drama and the game for souls I retract my energy. Quickly.
As I have shared a number of times, my role is not to convince anyone of anything, only to continue poking at those cracks in the illusion and to hold a key to the core wisdom repository until such time as it will be most beneficial to turn that lock.
We have screwed the pooch in past times such as these and I do not intend to repeat that error again. I have worked very hard during this go round to clear as much of that karma (collective and personal) as possible and I am just no longer masochistic enough to feel I need to draw that back to me.
The Mysteries protect themselves through ignorance. For those unaware they are senseless and useless. For those without the experiential self-discipline they are dangerous. The common trend of taking Truths as soon as they are spoken and become a part of the infested group consciousness to twist and distort those Truths as double bind traps is to be avoided.
If I, or any of the other few who hold keys, do not reach the part of the assignment to turn the lock it could go a couple of ways. One of the others will take up the assignment. Or it has been determined the entire human experiment has become so compromised as to require a total reset.
Human is not only expendable, in fact, human is quickly becoming quite a threat. We knew the point would come with enough alchemical pressure applied to catalyze growth or death through a spontaneous combustion of sorts. We will soon know. [and here we are 2020]
Keep in mind, our identities are not as human. Human is an experience, condensed in these heavier realms. We are Spirit having a human experience. Not humans trying to evolve/ascend to Spirit. That is one of the main distortions working to the favor of the Demiurge/Wetiko/AI-HD [AI/AC/VI/VC] parasite.
I can now add my take on the rapture concept and apply it to the twisted harvest concept of the Law of One. "Come on Rapture/Harvest. Get it over with so the rest of us can get on with re-balancing a world as it was meant to be." (Before there isn't enough of the core elements left to work with.)" [since this writing the anti-virus drop and the mitosis has been completed, this article has been republished to archive the journey to get here]
Blessings, Gratitude, & Safe Passage
Marilee NiEtain
Mystik Midwyfe/Elder, Crafter, & Author/Scribe
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