This article was first published 07/23/2017 and is being republished to offer continuity with the history of this journey. Please note the terminology I use has evolved from these rudimentary beginnings of the concepts discussed here. And that is partly why I want to offer the historical continuity. Because these journeys are a process and not an event. Ever adaptable. This article was again published on Mystik Mountain, 06/20/2019, and now on Prymal Fyre, 04/17/2020.

Well, the remainder of my humble belongings are once again with me [2017 and separated again 2020] and I am spending this New Moon utilizing the bridging frequencies between the synthetic and the authentic realms. Claiming my space here in the synthetic while attending to the bridge to the authentic, which is here also, just removed for self-preservation. Much more of this piece of Prymal Pathworking will wax along with this lunar cycle. Stay tuned...
As I redefine and step into my new role during these times of transmutation I will also be restructuring Soul Tribe Sanctuary to better fit its new role as well. This blog entry will be a basic summary of what to expect as I adapt the website and various projects to better suit a new framework of PathWorking.
First off, I need to announce I will no longer be accepting intensive one-on-one clients. I have had to determine a much more energy efficient way to get the information out there. The website will eventually have referral information to a variety of practitioners and information for Self-work (which is much more preferable anyway). And I will touch a little more on this as we move forward. [And here we are at yet another crux and turning point in 2020.]
Secondly, the physical presence of a sanctuary has been scrapped. I have attempted a community approach three times now and it has become evident individuals are just not in the position to commit the time, energy, or funds into such a project. For a variety of reasons. I have been forced to dissolve my own lifetimes of martyrdom remnants in this learning process. My pattern of jeopardizing my own well being and security based on promises of adequate energy exchange has reared its ugly head for the very last time. My entire life's savings have been spent on this lesson. Not to mention my mental, physical, and Spiritual health. Even if I wanted to entertain that pipe dream any longer, the monetary tools simply are not there. And neither is my energy reserve as I enter into my final phase in this final theatrics of the synthetic. No regrets and no blame/shame involved. It simply is what it is. Gratitude goes out to all those who have been very supportive and authentic along the way. Much Love to ALL.
Now, with that said, I will be going much deeper into the subject of responsibility and accountability which includes energy exchange - and while we are still bridging, that includes fine tuning our use of monetary tools. I will no longer offer myself out as host to the parasitic and vampiric programming beLIEf that knowledge and healing skills are free for the taking. One must give to receive and receive to give. "Free" is not a value. "Free" is an action. And it involves both modes of exchange to be reciprocal and sustaining. One-way flow is parasitic and only leads to death. For the host AND the parasite. So-called "free" information and healing holds a much more sinister "payment." And you are free to choose that manner as well. But it will not longer be confused for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.
More on the bridging effect of the monetary mindset as we move forward as well. Just be aware that moving forward I am no longer offering myself on that level. And nor should you. Minimizing the hold of the monetary traps in this simulation starts with claiming YOUR responsibility of how your money is spent. You can continue feeding the machine or you can seek ways to divert that energy to TRULY reciprocal and sustainable means. You may have to give up some luxuries and conveniences for a while, however. But as you venture further down your Prymal Path you may be surprised how your view of what is valuable and important changes as you shed your programming.
As for the website [re: Soul Tribe Sanctuary is currently in June 2019 migrating to an even newer site: Mystik Mountain - and now in 2020 the daughter blog/forum site, Prymal Fyre is being launched] ...all areas will be updated. It will have to become self-sustaining itself. In other words, no longer bleeding my personal budget. The Shoppe will be gaining serious attention to get not only my handcrafts updated, but the holistic retail store will be back up and running as soon as I can afford to kick start that again [now holding over 9,000 items and growing]. I will be investing back into my market booth and developing a circuit to attend farmer's markets, fairs, and festivals throughout the year [an onsite roadside market is now in the planning stage]. The learning portals are being revamped in the background again and paid subscriptions will roll out for some other services that will be available as well. We have three people on stand-by to assist in providing different levels of peer support groups for Prymal Pathworkers as they navigate their own studies [this service has been eliminated, due to the subsequent onslaught by the group we mistakenly tried to collaborate with, but following a near-death recovery and another relocation, we are again entertaining future possibilities in this direction]. And a series of webcasts are in the works as well.
A transition to using discussion forums removed from the social media feeding traps will also become much more straight forward, once again. I tried to compromise because it has been like pulling teeth to get people to withdraw for social media, I will no longer subject mySelf, or others, to the interference, AI rape, profile/identity theft and absorption, biofrom prep for AI entrance, Simulacra, and possession states of those platforms. They will be used for marketing purposes only. Be prepared for this severance if you wish to continue with Prymal Pathworking. The game playing is about to end in those sandboxes for those serious on this path. [a few more, including the current one, has since ensued - the latest being seeding now with these republishings at]
I plan to provide some detailed accounts of my personal journey and how I have come about my gnosis and Prymal Pathworking as an example for others to draw from. I will be expanding on practical ways to attend to individual deprogramming and re-member-ance and what I refer to as "uncommon sense." Some topics in this arena are: how to apply critical thinking and authentic discernment; facing and challenging triggers and false programming; exploring sovereignty, responsibility, and accountability; re-member-ance and shedding; and much more. [and the more formal research and writing project, Info Porn and Cyber Cults]
To effectively provide this part of what I came to this realm again for, my own bridging has to be attended to. This means attending to my own livelihood and well being. I would thoroughly love if this weren't the case, because it is such a foreign concept to my Core Source Seed. But those of us who are here to do this work can no longer be siphoned off of and it is our responsibility to set those boundaries. Not only as a responsibility to ourSelves, but to those seeking their remembrance as well as to the Natural Order on standby for the Time of Choice upon the Horizon. [again, a process and not an event]
Blessings, Gratitude, & Safe Passage
Marilee NiEtain
Mystik Midwyfe/Elder, Crafter, & Author/Scribe
Mystik Mountain Home