This article was originally published 09/24/2017 and updated 10/13/2017. The subject matter has since evolved into conversations and PathWorking concerning Sacred Space and determining the Sacred/Profane paradox reconciliation. As well as the Prymal Wound and Prymal Heart Fyre re-member-ing and healing. Resulting in our Wellness LifePath series and the Prymal PathWorking series. Both to be reintroduced very soon.
UPDATE 10/13/2017: This morning's comment on the article, Loyalty & Secrecy.
I will be on the coast for a few days having a beautiful birthday celebration with friends and communing on a very deep level with Mother where land meets sea. Preparing my move back to the highlands to commence on this final phase. I will be holding each of you near my heart. Love you all.
UPDATE 04/18/2020: Boy, oh boy...the happenings since this article was published. We got an amazing start on fulfilling that which was stated originally until the last onslaught of interference presented other, much deeper woundings to be reconciled. While we are still watching the residue continue to wash away, we have decided to once again move forward with the journeys of PathWorking and Wellness. Hope you will join us. My time back in the Rockies has ended and I and the furry team are now on the edge of the high desert southwest, awaiting the opportunity to get the rest of my belongings and research to catch up.
"And this Plutonian deconstruction pattern has recently shown itself once again. One is a fool to ignore these patterns, or even attempt to interfere with them, as they present themselves. We are only approaching the apex of the Pluto in Capricorn revelation we all chose to participate in, with roughly 10 more years to go. The death and deconstruction of the false overlay is becoming more and more apparent. The cleansing and purification of the authentic that was almost completely snuffed out adds a whole other level of experience.
We knew how difficult these times would be, but it is absolutely surreal to actually be witnessing and experiencing that which we signed up for in 'real time.'
Re-member your strength. Re-member your fortitude. Re-member your authentic, sovereign Self. As these times get even more challenging as we enter the descending phase of this cleansing and rebirth (following the still building apex phase) it will help tremendously to be watchful of the gestating seeds as they quietly burst forth. Nurture those seedlings as they take root. And most important, continue to shed and wash away the residual taint of the artificial overlay and false programming connected to your human experience and lineage. As above, so below, as within, so without, micro to macro. Be the alchemical vessel you know you are. Transmute, my friends, transmute. Blessings, Gratitude, & Safe Passage"
There is a fine line between loyalty and secrecy. One can honor confidentiality and responsibility through loyalty. But secrecy can spawn some problematic issues. In the world of victim/perpetrator (predator, parasite, virus), secrecy and isolation are a couple of the first signs of programming the victim. It is quite common in child abuse and domestic violence. But one can also see the results of how it has played out on the larger stage in [infected] secret societies and the enclaves of priest crafting.
There is a definite difference in frequency and intent. The more one clings to these types of behaviors the tighter the noose becomes and the virus/parasite has adequate food on which to sustain its feeding. I have no desire to engage in any sort of behavior such as the secrecy game. Nor the petty division of camps and posturing. If common denominators wish to play that sandbox game, more power to them. I have nothing to offer to such mindsets. And that's all and good for me. This behavior is one of the primary reasons I have lost all patience with the primary social media and consumer marketing bs. [there is a huge difference between sacred and secret, please refer to subsequent work and discussion of honoring the sacred while not offering it to the profane]
My commitment and honor to the larger picture is more important to me than "winning favor" in that petty game. Those hovering around for a blazoned cat fight are going to be greatly disappointed. I tend to choose my battles well. And sometimes simply not engaging is all the engagement necessary. It takes two to play that game. And quite frankly, it isn't worth my time and energy. [and precisely why things have unfolded with the recent smear campaign and shenanigans that sent me back into the healing cave I am now re-emerging from June 2019] [Since then formal reports have been made regarding this Cyber Cult and a LOT more has happened, which will be included in my formal research article series, Info Porn and Cyber Cults awaiting official publishing.]
I have found confidence in the fact I was not the only one who smelled rot in the game. Reassures me I am not alone in this quest. This is not out of gloating or posturing. It comes from a refreshing breath that there is hope humans can overcome this quagmire after all.
(This short blog post was based on conversations concerning my choosing to leave the feeding frenzy of primary social media and the resulting misunderstanding with certain individuals. [following the fallout of the intentional community project that went awry while I was taking a break following a heart procedure, once again repeated two years later from another failed attempt at collaboration]
Most will have no idea of what the underlying issue was. And that is just as well. It is my hope this message might be helpful in some small way to those reading it. It doesn't matter the circumstances behind the message. But the underlying frequency is easily applied to any general scene on the stage playing out around us. Everyone faces similar periods of discontent and I only hope this example will be helpful in others' experiences and choices they face as this deconstruction and transmutation unfolds.)
Blessings, Gratitude, & Safe Passage
Marilee NiEtain
Mystik Midwyfe/Elder, Crafter, & Author/Scribe
Mystik Mountain Home