When perceived chaos causes anxiety - work toward reconciliation of whatever paradox that is in play within your discomfort. What you are perceiving as external irritation is more likely than not an internal, unresolved irritation within. And within is where your power lies.
Prymal foremost challenges you to REALLY look at your constructs for what they are and not how you hope they appear. What your belief systems are and not what you hope they should be. What your behaviors are and not what you hope others will perceive them to be. What your perspectives are and not what you think others should perceive. How to engage authentically and not cloaked under a veil of self-deception and artificial veneers.
This is a very individual journey. One that cannot be imposed on another with beliefs of what works for you is for someone else. One that cannot be judged by another through their own limiting lenses of perception. And certainly not one that can be a one-size-fits-all template - lest one violate the prymary objective of Prymal - choice of creation over replication.
Something we are certain is "right" for us is NOT automatically "right" for another. And as soon as we think that ourselves it is time to question why we feel we must impose that on another or even think we know what is going on within the other in the first place. It is not our place to impose what is going on within us onto another, expecting those who share our experience to be replicated versions of our comfort zones and means of operating in this realm. Or other realms, for that matter.
When our comfort zone is triggered to discomfort it is for us to determine why WE are uncomfortable and what we can do about it. What has worked in the past and what no longer works. What has us locked into old patterns and what we can do to break those old patterns. Why we feel we need to control "out there" when "in here" is where we have the power to deal with our own shit. And when that shit is dealt with, THEN that "out there" will fall into place. Not necessarily how we think it should be or look, especially based on old constructs and patterns. And the first step is to STOP trying to control all that "out there" to the point of making life miserable for us and those around us. Our inner conflicts need to be reconciled within before we can hope to reflect what we have learned outward. And even then, NOT by forcing others to conform to what we have come to understand for ourselves. But by simply living from our own inner core. If we are imbalanced within we have no ability to impose balance without.
Foremost, we must forever challenge our own biases and work on our own self-disciplined paths. And not try to force ours on someone/something else. Once we can let go of the need to enforce our reality by reflecting it outward and expecting that outside of ourselves to fall into alignment with our comfort level it is amazing how the epiphanies will begin to pop right before our eyes. Opportunities we could not see or experience before suddenly become visible. A flow with all that is becomes a natural experience, not a superimposed expectation.
We can also prevent the external access to our internal by addressing the exact same things.
Much of this wisdom is presented in these compact documentaries of basic concept pondering gate openers. But one has to work at loosening up the distractions and intellectual laziness our minds have been conditioned to run the show between our ears, within our hearts, and through our guts. The three functions of these vessels have to be synced and Spirit must be in the driver's seat. Not our fears and appetites. They must become our passions again and not our chains.
Telling ourselves we haven't the time to exercise the mind and soul is as crippling as telling ourselves exercising the body is unimportant. We can fake ourselves into thinking we have the mind and soul container on task, but it is just as evident we have allowed them to weaken just as we can see it in the weakness of our bodies when allowed to lax. We can allow others' interpretations to rule our thoughts and beliefs, or we can challenge them just as we challenge our bodies and all its systems. Being overly obsessive, or on the other end of the spectrum - lax, in one area is a sign of overall imbalance. Having a strong body but allowing the mind and soul to slip into weakness is not the comprehensive Prymal Path. And perfection in any of these areas is not what Spirit is requiring during this transition. It will undoubtedly push us into over-compensation into the other areas if not reconciled.
It may be difficult for some to grasp the bridge of what I am saying here from a religious/social subject to the other areas I mention - but it is the overall PATTERN I am trying to point out. Once you get the scent of the epiphany flow in one area you can easily know it when you see it in another IF you pay attention the the PATTERN. As Above, So Below...As Within, So Without.....
@Barb Stobaugh Here is the last one we did not get to finish (re-watch, anyway). I will start a Prymal Prymer under Prymal PathWorking with these soon. I think it is important to present a clear idea of what Prymal actually is without folk trying to just add the tag "Prymal" to their existing structure and trying to make it fit into their already existing box. Prymal is not a garment to simply try on and hope it fits the rest of your existing wardrobe. hahahaha
When perceived chaos causes anxiety - work toward reconciliation of whatever paradox that is in play within your discomfort. What you are perceiving as external irritation is more likely than not an internal, unresolved irritation within. And within is where your power lies.
Prymal foremost challenges you to REALLY look at your constructs for what they are and not how you hope they appear. What your belief systems are and not what you hope they should be. What your behaviors are and not what you hope others will perceive them to be. What your perspectives are and not what you think others should perceive. How to engage authentically and not cloaked under a veil of self-deception and artificial veneers.
This is a very individual journey. One that cannot be imposed on another with beliefs of what works for you is for someone else. One that cannot be judged by another through their own limiting lenses of perception. And certainly not one that can be a one-size-fits-all template - lest one violate the prymary objective of Prymal - choice of creation over replication.
Something we are certain is "right" for us is NOT automatically "right" for another. And as soon as we think that ourselves it is time to question why we feel we must impose that on another or even think we know what is going on within the other in the first place. It is not our place to impose what is going on within us onto another, expecting those who share our experience to be replicated versions of our comfort zones and means of operating in this realm. Or other realms, for that matter.
When our comfort zone is triggered to discomfort it is for us to determine why WE are uncomfortable and what we can do about it. What has worked in the past and what no longer works. What has us locked into old patterns and what we can do to break those old patterns. Why we feel we need to control "out there" when "in here" is where we have the power to deal with our own shit. And when that shit is dealt with, THEN that "out there" will fall into place. Not necessarily how we think it should be or look, especially based on old constructs and patterns. And the first step is to STOP trying to control all that "out there" to the point of making life miserable for us and those around us. Our inner conflicts need to be reconciled within before we can hope to reflect what we have learned outward. And even then, NOT by forcing others to conform to what we have come to understand for ourselves. But by simply living from our own inner core. If we are imbalanced within we have no ability to impose balance without.
Foremost, we must forever challenge our own biases and work on our own self-disciplined paths. And not try to force ours on someone/something else. Once we can let go of the need to enforce our reality by reflecting it outward and expecting that outside of ourselves to fall into alignment with our comfort level it is amazing how the epiphanies will begin to pop right before our eyes. Opportunities we could not see or experience before suddenly become visible. A flow with all that is becomes a natural experience, not a superimposed expectation.
We can also prevent the external access to our internal by addressing the exact same things.
Much of this wisdom is presented in these compact documentaries of basic concept pondering gate openers. But one has to work at loosening up the distractions and intellectual laziness our minds have been conditioned to run the show between our ears, within our hearts, and through our guts. The three functions of these vessels have to be synced and Spirit must be in the driver's seat. Not our fears and appetites. They must become our passions again and not our chains.
Telling ourselves we haven't the time to exercise the mind and soul is as crippling as telling ourselves exercising the body is unimportant. We can fake ourselves into thinking we have the mind and soul container on task, but it is just as evident we have allowed them to weaken just as we can see it in the weakness of our bodies when allowed to lax. We can allow others' interpretations to rule our thoughts and beliefs, or we can challenge them just as we challenge our bodies and all its systems. Being overly obsessive, or on the other end of the spectrum - lax, in one area is a sign of overall imbalance. Having a strong body but allowing the mind and soul to slip into weakness is not the comprehensive Prymal Path. And perfection in any of these areas is not what Spirit is requiring during this transition. It will undoubtedly push us into over-compensation into the other areas if not reconciled.
It may be difficult for some to grasp the bridge of what I am saying here from a religious/social subject to the other areas I mention - but it is the overall PATTERN I am trying to point out. Once you get the scent of the epiphany flow in one area you can easily know it when you see it in another IF you pay attention the the PATTERN. As Above, So Below...As Within, So Without.....
Every time I watch this I'm in awe. I agree with your "robe" analogy Marlee NiEtain. Very good way to put it. <
@Barb Stobaugh Here is the last one we did not get to finish (re-watch, anyway). I will start a Prymal Prymer under Prymal PathWorking with these soon. I think it is important to present a clear idea of what Prymal actually is without folk trying to just add the tag "Prymal" to their existing structure and trying to make it fit into their already existing box. Prymal is not a garment to simply try on and hope it fits the rest of your existing wardrobe. hahahaha
@Wind Song Spirit These are the three vids we are watching to catch you up to speed with where this is going.
Remember when Jesus Christ Superstar came out?! love that thing huh