Allow me to introduce the very first Dragon Scale Spirit Bundle by SnowFyre. It took a number of test runs to get these tiny iridescent glass beads to do the desired effect, but here she is!!! This Spirit Bundle measures 4" top to bottom of the "Follow Your Dreams" charm. The beads are hand crocheted right into the weave and actual amethysts are also woven in. Some have used these Spirit Bundles as dream bundles by hanging them over their beds.

Be sure to watch as we prepare our launch for our upcoming Spirit Quest. These will be onsite journeys here at Soul Tribe Sanctuary and will include your own uniquely created Spirit Web by Wind Song Spirit and Spirit Bundle by SnowFyre to go along with your hands on energy work and Prymal Journey services. The formal announcement will be made very soon.
Blessings, Gratitude, & Safe Passage
astonishing, reminds me and has the colors of a dragon fly i had the pleasure of meeting