As I undergo yet another layer of psychoanalytic diagnosis sequence. I thought I would just drop this here for further consideration in hopes that those wishing to understand a bit clearer from which my perspective comes. I know my seemingly encrypted writing style can be confusing for some, yet highly and eerily acute and clear for others. This may begin to explain to a few of you why this is. I am not dropping this to start a self-diagnosis crisis in others. Only to try to explain to some from what angle my writing comes from so the reader might better understand from whence it originates - From Within the Mind of a Mystik. <3
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I found an excellent resource to explore tonight:
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3.
Okay... I have been undergoing some of the most amazing psychotherapy I have ever experienced. I have come to understand I am a female, 60-year-old, misdiagnosed, twice/multi- exceptional, gifted, neurodivergent, hyper-sensitive, possibly autistic, chimera. What a mouth full.
I just had the most amazing breakthrough in today's psychotherapy session where all three of my separate "selves" have finally agreed to cooperate. I am three merged embryos which have three distinct identities. One is a mediator archetype, another is a strong warrior archetype, and the third is a scribe archetype. Each of these three components have multiple fractures as well. Many of these were the result of the heavy early programming I was subject to and other severe experiences I will not get into here.
What I wanted to share and celebrate is my sword has become my pen and my pen has become my sword with an orchestrated mediator. It is the first time in my life the war in my head had ceased. I have a long way to go on this journey, but wanted to share this much earned success with all of you who have supported me along the way.
Woo Hoo!!! I wasn't just a "Demon Child" like I was told all my life. hahahaha
I have been asked to be interviewed by this gal and I am now seriously considering it. Thoughts?