Anybody read/ listened to this? Is there a recommended reading I should have this in? My mind is blown right now I'm only two chapters in and I'm understanding and inner standing how Wetiko/ Simulation is formed....this is so deep! Goes into network marketing, as well(Two here will know why I mention this).... and well as titled so surprised and at the same time not so much. What a paradox...
Maybe that's why I liked it. My filters were in place and what I did hear really did affirm EVERYTHING you have been teaching
Don't "judge a book by its cover" 😂
I can say I am not a fan of the title right away.
It allowed me to share with you via email said will be free
Let me see if I can copy the link I hadn't thought of that
I am not able to open this to have a listen. Or is it just a screenshot?
Ohhhh my goodness....I knew there was a link between codependency and the network marketing.... Wow. It does seem they are always narcs or codependents....this is all just unraveling perfectly along with the healing more than EVER it truly is of utmost importance to heal deeply.