Three years ago a critical junction in the manifestation of Soul Tribe Sanctuary played out. As a key component of my own Prymal PathWorking responsibilities, I will offer up the longer story as we move through the current phase. Just not to the public. For now, I will copy over the closure announcement from three years ago that was posted on facebook, the conversation then, and the one now. Feel free to spark up discussion here if you'd like. And I will be adding this to my introspective Winter writing to prepare for the next Ancestral Coalescence book publication.
When copying conversations over here from social media I usually clean up the extra formatting, but I am leaving this one raw to show the three year time sequence and interaction. As of for the Patreon stuff, we do still have a Patreon that has been dormant for some time, and we will be breathing life back into it again soon.
What has unfolded during these last three years is an excellent example of the replication sequences in action and my final entry to this thread offers some insight into how to decipher and decode that sequence. It will reveal the secret code to THE decision put forth to us right now - PRYMAL or SIMULATION with absolutely NO risk to re-contamination. NONE. And I, for one, have nothing but best wishes for ALL, regardless of the choice you make. I hope we will be on the same side of this quest, but that is not my choice. The massive grieving for those who will be drifting ever further will set in soon enough, however. The ultimate SACRED or PROFANE decision is at hand. <3
Blessings, Gratitude, & Safe Passage
Marilee NiEtain September 3, 2017 ·
I am working through a double edged process preparing to shut these pages down. (Wednesday) I am saddened and working through the grieving of the possibility of some of these beautiful and powerful connections made here will not survive the migration. Then I contemplate the seriousness of the responsibility to the core wisdom I and others have been entrusted with, and to the expectation of reasonable safety for Self and those who gather here to share these wisdoms. And then the sadness of trying to explain this reasoning to so many who refuse to look past their issues of abandonment, victimhood, and fear of change - as if being forced to defend the indefensible. The sadness of realizing how many expect us to continue being the sacrifice to feed this insatiable parasite.
Authentic love is never easy when it comes to moments and decisions such as these. The authentic love of setting healthy limits and boundaries and refusing to offer oneself up as prey, as well as those who trust enough to join in the quest. The authentic love of stepping back and allowing those who you know are hurting to continue with their choices in spite of knowing full well how they are being fed upon and lulled into a whole new level of anesthesia. While still beLIEving they are "awakened."
This will be the last post here that is linked to my compassion and emotion. Not that all that does not remain, only removed from the interface here. I am leaving out of love and the preservation of that wellspring. I sincerely hope the authentic relationships struggling to survive will find their way out. I have done all I can to maintain here. This is the last of my essence facebook will harvest. Much love to all...
Blessings, Gratitude, & Safe Passage Marilee NiEtain Steward, Primal Pathworker, Crafter, & Author Soul Tribe Sanctuary & Haven On Earth
24Barb Stobaugh, Tracie L Sawyers and 22 others 27 Comments6 Shares Like Like Love Care Haha Wow Sad Angry CommentShare
Active Now KC Clark The holistic gardens will continue to grow...... even in the most cared for of gardens some fruits and vegetables perish. It is the nature of the nurturing Universe. Aho, Mitakuye Oyás'iŋ. Xox 3 Delete or hide this
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Active Now KC Clark Barb Stobaugh, imagine, ...... I actually said this 3 years ago. Mmmmmmm🤔 😁and here we are, still growing gardens!!!!! 😜 Again.💋 1 Delete or hide this
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· 12h
Barb Stobaugh I was just wondering about that....... 1 Delete or hide this
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· 12h
Barb Stobaugh Just last night I actually said, "I may not even grow a garden next year"... Can you even imagine ME saying that? It's Blasphemy 2 Delete or hide this
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· 12h
Active Now Marilee NiEtain KC Clark Barb Stobaugh Three years ago was just a test drive for what unfolded afterward. <3 2 Edit or delete this
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· 10h
Active Now KC Clark Barb Stobaugh you have all Autumn and Winter to contemplate....... 2 Delete or hide this
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· 9h
Barb Stobaugh Well, I'll be woodshedding and teaching myself embroidery and learning the Runes and other things but I'll try to make some room for contemplating lolol 2 Delete or hide this
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· 2h
Barb Stobaugh I suppose that is what embroidery is good for and perhaps the Runes will give some guidance.... 2 Delete or hide this
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Active Now Don Skene Ahhh I better dust my stuff for winter (yeah I work in reverse) spring is when I gather dust as the outside calls lol September's cleaning month before the harvest comes in... And I'll dig out the various spreads (It's the same style as tarot to some degrees).... Along with my recipes for winter😁 2 Delete or hide this
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Active Now KC Clark Don Skene ooooh..... do share the recipes!😉 1 Delete or hide this
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Active Now Marilee NiEtain My response on a friends' thread this morning that inspired my anticipated "goodbye speech" this morning: "Though I haven't spoken out completely about the three levels of AI mutation I have experienced through fb leading to my decision to shut it down and no longer continue to be a part of others' exposure I wouldn't be surprised if our experiences aren't similar. Especially with the funny little common way we tend to sense frequencies. I take my responsibility to core wisdom very seriously, as I sense you do as well, Randy, and part of that includes reasonable safety for Self and those who gather to share that core wisdom. Facebook is far from that. Though the risk cannot be completely eliminated, especially online, it can be minimized and better monitored. Best to you and hopefully a better alternative can be developed soon. Patreon uses YouTube Beta livestream. But I sense it could as easily be hijacked into. And it will only be a matter of time before the predators do an all out infiltration into the Patreon pages as well. But we may get a little more time and with the added awareness of the Patrons who join in it may be manageable. We won't know until we try. But when anyone signs into facebook they are automatically agreeing to the terms of this sandbox. You are agreeing to be fed on simply by opening your page and engaging. Everywhere to a certain extent. But much more so here. I know I can feel it instantly, as can many others. And remember, the profile you handed over is the property of facebook. Not yours. (Read the hundreds of pages and links to other monitoring agencies starting from the Terms of Privacy pages you agreed to when creating your profile. And then read up on Shadow profiles that cover even those who have wisely chosen to never sign up for facebook in the first place through everyone else sharing contact lists. And it goes on and on.) I don't even want to go into what I found out the plans for all the profiles are when I was so deeply invaded the last time. It still sickens me. :( " 2 Edit or delete this
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Active Now KC Clark Nothing is private, no one is safe. There is no such thing as going into hiding. Even totally off grid, you can be found. Being discrete and aware..... that is wisdom. 3 Delete or hide this
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Allison L Andrews everyone. it is very easy to add Patreon to your current social media and very simple to navagste. Simple. also many folks i follow have gone to Patreon. and it is No Charge unless you want to donate. 🤗 1 Delete or hide this
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Active Now Marilee NiEtain Thanks for the support, my friend. <3 1 Edit or delete this
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Alyssa Zeller I must be slow, or something, it seemed to me that patreon required my credit card to access it. Is this true? What is my first step I'm getting it without a working credit card? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance 1 Delete or hide this
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Active Now Marilee NiEtain Sign up only, not as a creator. Browse creators and follow the ones you want to follow. Pay the ones your want to support and be a Patron for. Edit or delete this PATREON.COM Best way for artists and creators to get sustainable income and… Best way for artists and creators to get sustainable income and connect with fans | Patreon 1
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Alyssa Zeller Wonderful, thank you! 1 Delete or hide this
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Active Now Marilee NiEtain Explore creators here: Edit or delete this PATREON.COM Explore Top Creators on Patreon | Patreon Explore Top Creators on Patreon | Patreon 1
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Active Now Marilee NiEtain Alyssa Zeller You and your dad may want to set up your own page for your creations. Use this referral link: Edit or delete this PATREON.COM Best way for artists and creators to get sustainable income and… Best way for artists and creators to get sustainable income and connect with fans | Patreon 1
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Alyssa Zeller I was just thinking that may be a good thing for us! Thank you again! 1 Delete or hide this
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Active Now Marilee NiEtain Edit or delete this ONECOMMUNITYGLOBAL.ORG One Community - One Community is a nonprofit and for The Highest Good of… One Community - One Community is a nonprofit and for The Highest Good of All organization creating open source and free-shared blueprints for a global cooperative of sustainable communities, villages, and cities. 1
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Georgia Cammann You need to follow your instincts Marilee and I wish you well. I have your email and can keep in touch that way. I'll also go back and re-look at Patreon. I would love to have a viable alternative. I do work with a lot of people internationally now and need to be able to have access to them somehow. FB is all you've said and frankly so are a to of other things. I don't believe any of it's not compromised at some level at this point. Safe passage my friend! <3 1 Delete or hide this
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Active Now Don Skene It's 1750 all over again lass.... 1 Delete or hide this
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Active Now Marilee NiEtain It has become VERY clear the patterns and unless we let the Demiurge/Wetiko to breech the progress that has been made it will be the last repeat. We need to understand our manifest power in thought and discipline ourselves from drawing it back in or we will just restart the same old sequence again. No more do overs. Edit or delete this
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Rory Bryson Thanks Marilee, I love your writing and thoughts. 2 Delete or hide this
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Active Now Marilee NiEtain Thank you, Rory. It has been a pretty melancholy time seeing what happened three years ago to the day. It helps to know there are those who understand the depths of this. <3 1 Edit or delete this
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Active Now Marilee NiEtain My thoughts after allowing this echo to reverberate is that how I can let the flow bypass the rest lies in the difference of the phrases "full circle" and the one I started using many, many years ago instead - "full spiral." We come back to opportunities all the time, but we choose if it will be a reset back into the same loop or we can choose to step aside and begin the next sequence outside of that loop with new awareness and new intentions once the lock/trap factor is identified and released. Not many will "get the gist, but I hope some will. The choices we are making here and now have MANY ramifications. MANY. (I am copying this post over to the forum is anyone cares to elaborate.This is all I will be offering up on this platform moving forward.) 1 Edit or delete this
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· 11m
And today's peek into the 3-year-old conversation that is still relevant:
Marilee NiEtain September 4, 2017 at 8:47 AM · Final response to final post: "I spoke a little in the original post about how this feeding free for all is working. Being slapped with "it is worthless if it isn't free" circular argument is getting very old. Sustainability does not work with one way out go. Being labeled as greedy and somehow less than because we are not a bottomless well of freely given energy is nothing less than predatory and parasitic Wetiko behavior. And I, for one, refuse to play that sick game any longer." And I won't apologize or offer any more justification for feeling the way I do. This warped behavior has to stop. And it won't stop if we continue to participate in the feeding frenzy. I am owning my responsibility in this and withdrawing my essence from the equation. Granted, there is likely enough to keep the machine going without my contribution. But at least I can authentically say to mySelf, "I no longer consent." For however humble that is interpreted is not my concern. It is not greedy to expect reciprocity. Love you all.
A bit of elaboration on spiral movement and container magyk. What we have here is an example of a form of a three-year container sequence within the much longer sequence of my Fyre & Water Purification Quest. These years are just one very long working/ritual. And this three-year snapshot of that working resembles the working container to hold space for the intention of the work to do its alchemy. To transmute and manifest. I hold certain programs and let go of others to hold the right conditions for the working to fulfill its purpose. The final release to allow complete spiral flow as opposed to controlled circle flow withing the larger working was done with the final closure statement in the thread above. Applied to my immediate working here in this realm and all others, including the Void. So it is...