Snip Your Puppet Strings
Learn to sift through the Info Porn programming and find your own fiber of the Red Thread lending an entirely authentic perspective from which to BE. Without having to follow the herds. Re-member your Prymal chords.
And remember the key concept "RE-MEMBER" started with Ancestral Coalescence and Soul Tribe Sanctuary. Don't let it get absorbed into the Info Porn mills and misappropriated into a new version of misconception. Many are using it now and are adding it to their own half-truth spins. Know from which Truth came. Our Learning Portal will soon be opened back up online and onsite. Get signed up over on Prymal Fyre to be a part of the resurgence of the Prymal Hearth Fyre by honoring your Prymal Heart Fyre. (Enjoy Heart Fyre to Hearth Fyre, a creative piece by SnowFyre originally published in 2018.)
Wellness LifePath and Prymal PathWorking had to be reconstructed because the primary materials and research were left behind when we had to shut things down for time in the healing cave and to relocate once again. But prototype versions are being redeveloped and polished for publication this month (July). And it will NOT be readily exposed to social media for the very reason mentioned with the terms and concepts being disrespected and absorbed into the madness of the Info Porn mills. Herding folk into multiple versions of the same New Cage snares we warn about. The website and onsite will be the only gateway to the wisdom waiting for you to re-member. The gateway to the key to your OWN gateway.
Be watching for updates as they roll out here in this forum category. Get signed up and build your profile to join the community and begin your journey back home to your Red Thread.
Blessings, Gratitude, & Safe Passage