Article from the West Point Academy, Combating Terrorism Center at West Point. CTC Sentinel.
I can finally share some of the results of the 3 year long debacle with the social groups who unleashed their bullshit on Soul Tribe Sanctuary and Mystik Mountain that still has us crippled financially. The emotional and spiritual wounds healing. We took on a variety of low-level puppets in this game with some direct hits to and from those we love dearly. And in the background of this front stage smear campaign, and the more recent offshoots from certain "savethechildren" cliques, my reports to the FBI, IC3, and Homeland Security were not only specific to the direct attacks of these groups, but much more information and research into cults, programming, and the much larger picture. I even took flack from some who I worked with providing information and support publicly (as I could) for feeling somehow slighted by my inability to discuss what was/is going on in the background of these investigations. Much of which I wouldn't share even if I knew the details.
Anyway, the crap has been noticed and I really hope it is in time to turn this shit show around. On levels a few who have weathered the storm with me know all too well. And no, it does not bother me to be called a "shill," a "traitor," a "pedo protector," a leader of an "evil witch coven," a member of "Club Idiots," or any other childish schoolyard names you can throw out there just because I see through your bullshit and that which you peddle for the likes of the ones mentioned in this article. In fact, it is just that canned and predicted response that tips off the ones who are truly doing the dirty deeds. It's called. Learned Projection. Social Programming 101.
I see this behavior, regardless of the level of ignorance or conditioned herding programs it originates from, even lower than the ones who actually perpetrate the dirty deeds you claim to be exposing. With all the fabricated and sensationalized lies added onto the back of the actual victims, as well as the actual warriors in the trenches battling this shit face-to-face. Not hiding behind keyboards, controllers, cameras, mics, and role playing personas. You folk are even worse than the monsters you claim to be exposing. Further endangering victims and protectors, feeding the smoke screen drama and sucking valuable energy from clueless and compassionate people whose energy could be going into actual productive directions. Not the loosh fest harvesting pots such as the "savethechildren" banner. A banner, by the way, that was also hijacked from an much older and more honorable social campaign: https://www.savethechildren.org/us/about-us/why-save-the-children/history
Yes, true history has been overwritten and presented as a complete lie. Yes, there are sick individuals and corporations infiltrating our valuable institutions. But certainly NOT in the versions that have been pumped out by Q and the numerous other psychological warfare scenarios and brands circulating out there. All of the first generation conspiracy nuts have been played and used as the foundation of this even sicker history rewrite in motion. And then I can only imagine the vulgar laughing fits of a few crazed minds as they watch their Q-minions walking off cliffs like lemmings following Pokemon ghosts. All while the lemmings raise fists, wear masks, and have bearded lady contests in the streets. What a real life freak show carnival nightmare. Steven King couldn't have written a better script.
We here at Soul Tribe Sanctuary and Prymal Fyre take pride in destigmatizing and reclaiming hijacked terminology. Wounded and wiser. The only balm to those wounds being the fact our vulnerabilities helped expose the Simulation for what it was/is/will be. I think it is high time we reclaim the Q-sullied term "Patriot." What say you?
many a dogma to out
Rant edits done. Lots of changes and additions since first published. You may want to take another look if you were some of the first to catch this one. <3