Posting this separate to be able to share to social media.
Here is the full transcript, final edit of the material Marilee provided Team Bubba with for the two part YouTube series. She is in the process of regathering all the materials provided to begin cobbling together important information that needs to get out of the echo chambers. This will be limited until she can get her library and research files relocated, but at least some of it might reach the ones who could benefit from seeing how this Perfect Storm programming is affecting the news and internet channels all around us. I will post more as we are able to reacquire the material.
Marilee NiEtain
January 16
Final Draft
The New White Nationalism and its Connection to Thomas Williams’ From Russia with Love Series and his Truth, Honor, and Integrity Internet Fantasy Narrative.
It appears Thomas Williams of Truth, Honor, and Integrity (THI), the People’s Club (TPC), and Manna World Holding Trust (MWHT) is gearing up to start his rerun series of what he has titled, From Russia With Love (FRWL) beginning January 16, 2020. (Cancelled) We at THI Team Bubba felt it only fair to also present a little back story to this saga and provide some pretty compelling evidence of the other side of the fascist coin regarding the entire base narrative Thomas Williams has been presenting and the more recent material that is based on an old Russian Nationalism movement that formed from the old Nikolai Levashov propaganda. Primarily from Levashov’s book from 2007, Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors.
It has become apparent that Thomas Williams of THI has been presenting his own distorted version of these distorted mirrors of Levashov. But the White Nationalism underpinnings are becoming quite apparent. Even though Thomas is trying to present it as a “softer” version and has even gone as far as making it sound like he is opposing some of the more radical identifiers by using more “right lite” type words and even quite a bit of doublespeak techniques mixed with a sprinkling of New Age and Ufology buzz words, we would like to share some analysis of the material Thomas bases his brand of nationalism, fascism, and racism on.
For a bit of a backstory with this, Thomas began presenting his From Russia With Love series back in May of 2018 on his Spreaker podcast which gets edited and uploaded to his YouTube channel and then shorter excerpts are uploaded on another YouTube channel. With a vague mention of Levashov, most of this material was being presented as being his own, and as with Williams’ classic style, he conveniently leaves out his source material and freely embellishes bits and pieces he finds will support his elaborate fantasy narrative. From July 2019 forward, we have been pointing out the plagiarism and embellishment as the series 1-8 (A, B, and C) has been pumped out. This caused Thomas to have to mention his source.
For the purposes of this particular piece we are presenting we will show some concerning and serious research and analysis on the Nationalism propaganda of Levashov, particularly the Distorted Mirrors thesis from which a very dangerous movement was sparked and is now being revived through what is being referred to as the Alt Right and Alt Lite, Cyber Cult phenomenon flooding the corrupted Alt and Mainstream Media. Links to further reading and research are included in the description of this video and discussions here and on the THI Team Bubba group page on facebook show the depths of this revival going on in many versions of the social media constructs. The investigation is multi-faceted and branches into many sub-topics.
[Website link for video shots while reading the indicated material: (had to remove link to word press because of fb community guidelines)]
Quoting James DeMeo, PhD from his 2012 blog post (had to remove link to word press because of fb community guidelines) regarding his analysis of Levashov’s Distorted Mirrors thesis titled, Disturbing Book by Nikolai Levashov, with Analysis:
Disturbing Book by Nikolai Levashov, with Analysis
Most people who are familiar with the good works of Dr. Wilhelm Reich, and orgonomy in general, will thankfully not know anything about the Russian psychic healer, Mr. Nikolai Levashov. They can delightfully ignore this posting, if they so choose.
Others will have heard his name or know about the social movement he has created in Russia, and which today spreads into both Europe and the Americas. This is being accomplished mainly through his solicitations into the natural health movement, via the route of "psychic healing", which already has its own large following. Levashov will be known within those circles, either from personal experiences (good or bad) or other inside knowledge. But it is unlikely they will know the materials I am going to expose.
Levashov now has a new book, Russian History Viewed Through Distorted Mirrors. The alarming claims and racist hatred contained in this book were so disturbing that for several reasons I composed a Book Review and Social Analysis on the matter, which is now available as a PDF download. The book reveals Levashov’s descent into Russian Black Fascism, complete with "superior being, white-race" and other extreme mysticism, including Jewish scapegoating and Holocaust denial as core elements.
Levashov’s words and writings, and the social movement he is forming, are a prime example of how the mechano-mystical split in character structure, based as it is upon bottled-up emotional turmoil and ungratified sexuality, is a slippery slope down into race-hatred and fascist thinking. But then, everyone who reads and knows the works of Wilhelm Reich, as on the Mass Psychology of Fascism, or my own cross-cultural study Saharasia, which scientifically and precisely confirmed Reich on those issues, should already appreciate that point.
End Quote.
The 2012 Book Review DeMeo is referring to is titled, From Russia With Hate: The Case of Nikolai Levashov From Psychic Healer to Jew-Hate and Holocaust Denial. Links to the blog and the full analysis pdf are provided in the Source List for you to read and for further study.
For a peek into the analysis of the Distorted Mirrors social analysis that will undoubtedly show the similarities of what Thomas Williams has based his entire fantasy narrative on as well as his latest emphasis on his From Russia With Love series here is a small piece of how this looks from a critical thinking perspective aside from the rhetoric and propaganda being woven into Williams’ narrative:
Levashov's "Distorted Mirrors" Thesis Summarized
Levashov's basic thesis may appear almost comical on first read, something to not take seriously, but one must consider the new fascism of today is quite accustomed to ideas about psychic powers, space travel and UFOs, ancient space aliens, secret weapons, government conspiracies and the like. While each of those subjects have a rational component deserving of serious study, and can be discussed both responsibly and scientifically without any hint of fascist ideology, when they are mixed up with fascist propaganda and historical revisionism, it makes for a particularly toxic brew which is likely to attract young adherents in ways the "old fascisms" of the past could not.
Levashov claims that "white races" came to North-Polar regions of Earth in space ships or star-gates in ancient times, and were the progenitors of an ancient Slavic-Russian super-empire with advanced technology. These Russian-Slavic-Vedic "whites" ruled "Midgard-earth" over all other subordinate races, in a time of peace and heaven-like conditions. At some later time, during what Levashov calls the "Nights of Svarog" the Earth entered a part of the galaxy characterized by a "a negative evolutional warp" (whatever that is), wherein evil demonic "grey" or "black" space aliens, or some kind of space-demons, arrived. These "darks" or "blacks" brought with them specific "dark force viruses" used to infect and control human beings. The evil demons with their special mind-control viruses then took over the bodies or minds of specifically Jewish people, due to their Levashov-claimed pre-existing inclinations towards power-seeking, ruthlessness, scheming, money-grubbing and predatory behavior, which was then amplified and harnessed by the "blacks". He weaves a new mythical-mystic and astronomical "history" which accuses Jews of being antisocial monsters who worked over centuries for the destruction of the noble and decent "whites", and for world domination and destruction of Earth. And he specifically blames the Jews, as "black freemasons", for a "Jewish Coup D’état" when the Bolshevik communists took over Russia. Jews are then blamed for the crimes of Stalin and other communist killers, as well as for Nazi crimes.
Some of his passages on ancient flying vehicles and space visitors carry themes recognizable to the readers of popular UFO books on such subjects, though to my knowledge, none in the field of UFO studies have degenerated into such fascist ideology. He borrows the concept of the "Star Gate" and other things from popular science fiction Hollywood movies, and likewise takes mythological themes from authentic ancient history. These are reshaped to fit his narrative, with great creative license. Svarog is the ancient Slavic god of "celestial fire and blacksmithing", for example, and Midgard-earth is an Old Norse or Germanic mythical homeland. Into such Nordic-Germanic and Russian-Slavic myths, and Old Testament Bible quotes, Levashov adds sci-fi movie themes and his own divine revelation, to create a new theology. Into this he finally adds a generous quantity of neo-Nazi ideological sentiment and revisionist history, turning his fantasy into a vicious toxic nightmare. He frequently references discredited propaganda from American or European neo-Nazi authors and Holocaust-denial websites as if they were legitimate primary source materials. He then claims that the "real" Russian history, which only he Levashov has been sufficiently perceptive to figure out, has been suppressed by Jews, notably of German and American backgrounds, and against which the Russian Superman is contrasted as a maltreated species.
Overall the book gives the impression of a "Call To Arms" for non-Jewish Russian Slavic peoples, to rise up and realize their own superior-being racial composition, and then throw off their "oppressor Jews", even while the occasional statement is made that Levashov's intention is only for peaceful social change. But the average sex-frustrated and angry man-in-the-street who is susceptible to racist propaganda is not likely to remember those cautionary passages. In large measure, the whole enterprise suggests an exercise in violent psychological projection, which is the usual background for such obvious scapegoating. The Nazi literature, and much of modern Leftist-Islamic antiSemitism, for example, is rife with blaming Jews for the hatred and violence visited against them, blaming them for the vicious and angry feelings of those who attack and punish them, and even for their own deaths when outright murder is committed."
End Quote.
International Propaganda
How this all fits on a larger social spectrum in regards to racism and xenophobia and crosses national boundaries into various types of radical extremism, including the soft/lite versions such as what Thomas Williams is pounding his pulpit with. Saying it is just the opposite presented as mirrors within mirrors. Please have a look at the Spring 2011 entry to the SOVA Center, showing the data on the social effects of these movements in Russia where Levashov’s movement began. Levashov’s work, Distorted Mirrors, is on the Russian Federal List of Extremist Materials according to this source. An excerpt follows and the link to the entire article can be found in the Source List. And this material confirms our suspicions of other research we are working on, the influence of Scientology within these various movements that know no borders when it comes to the rhetoric.
[Link to the two following paragraphs First paragraph is the final paragraph in the summary. The second paragraph can be found nearly to the end of the article under the subheading, Federal List of Extremist Materials]
The Federal List of the Extremist Materials was supplemented considerably. For the first time, the Justice Ministry attempted to introduce proper order in the document: in Spring, the books by Scientologists that had been put in the list – although court rulings on them had been appealed – were withdrawn from the list, and some items duplicating other ones have also been withdrawn while the numbering was maintained. However, far from all re-duplicated items were withdrawn, and unfortunately the list remains essentially non-functional.
- ethnoxenophoboc materials, among them songs of bands that became cult hits among neo-Nazis (Kolovrat, Tsiklon B, Bezumnye usilia, Psikhea), xenophobic films and clips, ultra-right magazines and newspapers (Russian Will, Russkaya volya), well-known anti-Semitic and racist books (the ‘White ABC’ and Nikolai Levashov’s ‘Russia in False Mirrors’), slogans ‘Russia for the Russians!’ written in a pseudo-Old Russian orthography as ‘Россия для русскихъ!’, and ‘Orthodoxy or Death’ (this ban has become quite controversial), a collection of fundamentalist Orthodox sermons by the priest Vassily Novikov;
End Quote.
Mention of Related Material and Recommended Reading
More recently The National Memo published an interesting 2019 article, From Russia With Hate: How Far-Right Terror Became A Global Scourge. (Reprinted from Alternet.) It describes the internet influence and effects on society with a very unique viewpoint. The link for this article can also be found in the Source List for anyone who may be interested in that facet of this huge jigsaw puzzle.
Another excellent foundational read on these subjects is: Mass Psychology of Fascism by Wilhelm Reich. A link to the full text version of this written work can be found in the Source list, as well.
The following Russian propaganda websites’ links can also be found in the Source List. The researcher will need to translate the sites. Be aware some of them cleverly appear to be associated with the United Nations and National governmental agencies. They are not. This is merely added to appear to support the validity of the information they put out. Also keep in mind this rhetoric has bled into all countries and on the surface appear to place the separate countries as conflicting, when in fact, it is the same hateful material with different stages, actors, props, and language/scripts. There is actually a lot of overlap with certain load language terms one can easily see when studying the materials objectively.
Russian Public Movement "Revival. Golden Age.” This website is the active Golden Age Revival site based on Nikolai Levashov’s movement. It is active and can be found globally in various other presentations that appeal to the particular targeted country.
Nikolai Levashov Primary Website Here can be found everything Levashov, including an extremely extensive list of all his diploma mill certificates and alleged credentials he claimed in his lifetime. The link can be found in the Resource List.
STATE SERVICE UNION ANTITERROR (KGB of the USSR) This site claims to be an official KGB site and contains some extremely radical articles worth having a look at if interested in seeing how sick this material really can get. Please note: This author highly doubts the KGB would actually use blogspot for their official website.
Black Sun:
And finally, to open a lead in conversation by Marilee NiEtain regarding Thomas Williams' recent fear porn addition to his fantasy narrative, here is a link for more information on the Black Sun concept.
Here is a pretty good (and short) book review regarding the origination of the concept of the Black Sun before the New Cage fear porn spins have been applied. The book is excellent, btw.
This is one of the common narratives the religious fanatics and the New Cage and Q Cyber Cults share. And they all are gearing up to ride the band wagon this year to beat the drums and light the torches. TW's jumping in is not surprising. Especially after his plagiarized spewing of the Russian version of the Levashov movement propaganda. Same underlying concept, just from a different perspective.
But if his minions can't see how hypocritical and opportunistic he is behaving now, they likely never will see what they are involved in.
The tricky part is the way he is inverting it to sound like they are confronting this schema. But it is exactly the same thing as the Golden revival propaganda that TW has been promoting in his FRWL charade. Softer, sparklier package is all. For once, I wish these knee jerk bandwagon jumping drum beaters would do some serious, objective research into what they promote. And not the surface spins the voice box promoters peddle. Most of the time even they have no clue to the foundational underpinning of what they are peddling.
Closing Statements: This short introductory summarization is meant to open the conversation regarding the ongoing investigation into the political and sociological purposes of spreading this type of propaganda. We encourage followers of the Truth, Honor, and Integrity narrative as presented by Thomas Williams to actually do their own objective and thorough research into what they are being told to be fact. And who they are being told are their enemies.
We do not simply give lip service to the “do your own research” motto so many alt media personalities have loaded and spit back out at honest seekers of Truth. And we hope the seeker will also have a look at the other massive collection of ongoing investigations we are actively discussing in THI Team Bubba on FaceBook. This is only one small introduction to one branch of many very convoluted and entangled subjects being presented in a glaringly false light by Thomas Williams and an entire network of feigned “enemies” and “allies” in this confusing scam and storyline.
Recent THI Team Bubba post by Marilee NiEtain:
I suspect TW has begun down a dark path of a wannabe Levashov, and pushing a long and twisted propaganda diatribe that is as dangerous as the hate of Jewish persons and America (we continually hear the loaded trigger words from TW "Born in New York of Jewish parents.."
One of Levashov's main thrusts was America being the financial demon in the puzzle and was to pay Russia back for what was stolen from them. This is a main theme of his "The Golden Age" movement and is heavily fraught with some evil virus that, according to Levashov, infected the Jewish race making them the financial demons of this story line. TW tries to soften this stance by saying the Jewish people have been as victimized as all other groups and sometimes makes a distinction between Zionism and Jewish ideology. But more times than now, he lumps it all together into blaming it on the "Jews" any chance he gets.
Links for much more information about these Russian propaganda sites can be found in the TEAM Bubba files. What I am showing here is only a very small piece of a much larger umbrella.
TW's version appears harmless and somewhat nonsensical, but it is based on a huge, very real social movement that is being revived by not only TW, but other groups as well.
We are hearing a rapid increase of TW's claims of Djinns and "smokeys" being the demons behind all the evils he is destined to take out, according to his deluded narrative. And these overlays are increasing in his mindset at an extremely rapid pace. Anyone who is not in lock step with his narrative is automatically labeled as cabal, Deep State agents, Dark Forces, Black Water, witches, and now the latest, The Order of the Black Sun. He sprinkles in accusations that we are pedophiles and human traffickers. And a whole lot more.
And then, if one considers it is Russian funds and organizations backing the whole Manna World Holding Trust and Kingdom of Manna sagas, the workings behind the curtain have an entirely different flavor in my opinion.
(And as a side note to consider is the push from China in the same manner behind the curtain of the Blue Chicken, Sphere Being Alliance and Edge of Wonder, et al, saga versions to cover more bases.)
Source List:
Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors by Nikolai Levashov (2007) – full text pdf
James DeMeo, PhD - OBRL blog link:
(had to remove link to word press because of fb community guidelines)
From Russia, With Hate: The Case of Nikolai Levashov – From Psychic Healer to Jew-Hate and Holocaust Denial pdf by James DeMeo, Phd:
SOVA Center for Information and Analysis: Spring 2011: Causes Célèbres and New Ultra-right Formations
Russian Public Movement "Revival. Golden age".
Nikolai Levashov’s Primary Website, English Version:
Revival of the USSR
State Service Union Antiterror (KGB of the USSR) [This author highly doubts the KGB would actually use blogspot for their official website]
The National Memo 2019 article, From Russia With Hate: How Far-Right Terror Became A Global Scourge
Review of Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity