A very well-written analysis shared with us by an old FaceBook "friend" and STS member today. Thank you, Aureo Sky, for reaching back out with your amazing insight. Much appreciated.
My reply on FaceBook is below in the comment section. I hope others will join at the table for discussion and analysis.
This image "Q-in-a-stormy-sky" speaks a thousand words. Especially when one considers its strategic place in the even older term (older than Q's propaganda implied "storm"). Shift the perspective back to its origins as applied to this time from our Prymal/Simulation, Info Porn, Demiurge/Wetiko work of which we have dubbed The Perfect Storm (of misinformation, discourse, Demiurge/Wetiko virus infection, inversion of the inversion) based on Ages of trial runs and social experiments. Very apt, indeed.
Q is NOT the heroic revealer of the "Storm." It is the most recent player in creating the algorithmic "Storm" that the masses are being tossed around in. Though not much of a fan of Icke, for similar reasons pointing to my distaste for Q, I will pose his popular phrase, "Problem - Reaction - Solution," as the precise formula Q (among others) is using to herd an incited population to slaughter. The fear and paranoia being incited and fed is actually the mirror magic being used that Q followers believe they are seeing outside of themselves. When it has been very strategically inserted into their psyches as the inversion of the inversion. The flipping of the villain and the hero, fact and fantasy, into a very elaborate real-life psychotic nightmare.
Aureo's thoughts are a very refreshing divergence from the tumultuous ride. Highly recommended. <3
"My first intuitive take on ‘Q’ was that it was an Artificial Intelligence driven cipher. Who is behind it is yet to be revealed. What purpose does it serve is also yet to be revealed. My writing is founded on my own perceptions, on intuitive inner drops and by careful unbiased (as much as humanly as possible) listening to others." (Aureo Sky, excerpt from article in reference)
I agree with your first intuitive take, Aureo. Now if that was part of the original intention of those who launched it or not is yet to be recognized. The consistent pattern we have seen with this Info Porn mill and the AI/AC/VI/VC plus the newer DSI and DSC infiltration codes has rendered itself down into this bizarre, ulterior frequency saturating our social construct. So, regardless of the original intent we have a completely out of control threat to humanity as we know it.
This is certainly worthy of continued gauging and observing. And this cannot be done if we continue to let biased and blinded chattel shut down all reasonable and rational conversation.