I can say I am glad to sense Bernhard has rebounded well from the life journey tangent he was drawn into a couple years back I personally felt uncomfortable with. I chose to not pursue a strong defense on the resulting eddies through seemingly unrelated players that rippled into STS at a time much larger tides were heading our way. And I am glad to see Bernhard appears to have navigated himself through the lessons which appeared before him well.
This article by Bernhard came across the radar through the processing of another insightful member, Aureo Sky, and I thought I would share it here too. I am so pleased to see more eyes are seeing this for what it is and able to return to a more civil way of presenting material and discussing uncomfortable Truths. Potentials are bubbling up and we must be ready, willing, and able to recognize them as such. Lest they get sucked back down in the quagmire.
Again, I am dropping this here in the forums because of the potential of social media disappearing certain topics, regardless of their angel on the subject. We have to find a way to collaborate and discuss, reasonably and maturely, without a censorship frenzy or continued algorithm herding and infiltration. This is my meager effort to do so for our small group of warrior whisperers who are weary of the choppy waters of social insanity. Please feel free to contribute to the discussion, or not. Holding space as best I can. <3