Finally!!! I am not the only one saying it. And this one names names and points out the gaming strategies being used. Info from the inside of the gaming industry to match mine from psychology and social science. From my experience, this one is going to be one hell of a deprogramming ride once this election dust settles. IF there is anything left to build on once it is all said and done. Even Qanon themselves started utilizing "The Perfect Storm" metaphor I began using to describe the very long-term set up confirmed to be running decades ago. And classic to the Info Porn pattern, they used it to their advantage claiming they were going to "create the storm." And one can take this tactic right on over to the zealous frenzy of the bible thumping Doom's Day folk who are hell bent on seeing that their prophecy is fulfilled too. (i.e., Armageddon, Revelation, Rapture, etc.). It is the exact same pattern running for Ages and we are now seeing considerable overlap in the rhetoric and propaganda spin doctor mills.
PLEASE wake up and smell the coffee for REAL this time folks. Humanity truly depends on it. And yes, that is another one they effectively hijacked too. (i.e., Awakening, Woke, etc.). Have a look at history regarding "The Great Awakening," "Enlightenment," "Ascension," etc. This is NOT the first go round. It is just the generations of psyche prep through religion, politics, and social engineering compounded by the digital information and programming factors and here we are smack dab in the middle of The Perfect Storm.
THIS IS NOT JUST Qanon either. Look for the patterns in ANY of the pop culture frenzy marketing. Qanon is in it all, just using a variety of umbrellas. Some even appearing to be dire enemies of one another. Don't fall for the separatism and conflict programming any longer. Look for the commonalities in the PATTERNS and the FREQUENCIES. Not the cool club choices being set up for you. They are ALL the SAME club. just different flashy and emotive herding banners flying. One with a scent for the frequency can quickly see the common threads in even the sparkliest of New Cage respins of Truth with this next gen of "Enlightenment" type material claiming "free" access to Ancient Mysteries. That level of Truth with NEVER just be handed out to uninitiated Info Porn pimps who claim to be "in the know" or from the "inside."
JUST STOP and get off the merry-go-round.
Admit you have been duped again and get busy with the clean up. Clean up of your own susceptibilities to the programming. Clean up of your ancestors' susceptibilities to the programming. STOP falling for the glitz and glamour, the conveniences and stimulation entertainment, gaming, and consumerism has used to get into your minds, bodies, souls, and Spirits. THIS IS THE CHOICE BETWEEN SIMULATION AND PRYMAL WE KEEP YAMMERING ON ABOUT. Time for the choice is nigh. I hope you don't miss the boat. If you do, DON'T you DARE start clammering onto ours to take it down with you. DON'T you DARE try pulling at our heartstrings with "I didn't know. THEY did this to me." Now you know and now you are doing it to yourselves.
Well said, all of it. Like I said, the genie is out of the bottle
And Q is far from being solo in this narrative, Q is just the latest version. This set up has been going on for a very long time.
QANON has been a major success for whatever is behind it. A true cult. The main lure is the way it uses critical thinking when presenting ITS narrative. 100% tied to the bible - never criticises Israel or Trump. It is the ultimate info bomb, most of it endless speculation and anticipation. So many 'countdowns' for major events - that no-one ever sees any evidence of! They have tied it tightly into saving the US but ofc, it is from a mysterious enemy - the 'Deep State'. Which ofc can be anyone or thing. It mostly translates into anything and everything to do with the Democrat party - ignoring the other parties and players. Lots of people interested in aliens, ufos, 'the awakening', ending paedophilia etc have been roped in. They appear to ignore the fact that their saviour Trump has had mentors and best friends his entire life that have many public connections to all of these horrible evils. He tries to take the 'swamp' down by - hiring more swamp monsters! Same old, same old.