Here is an article that explains what I have been referring to as the LARPing and ARGing connection with social media marketing and the algorithms they employ. While my specific approach to this is not limited to marketing and the surface level of what it is doing to the Info Porn mill, my primary drive at this is to expose the Demiurge/Wetiko responsibility in this and the rush to the brain stem, and jugular, of humanity itself. The SPIRIT prize it is after, behind the mind, body, and soul.
And this closing piece from this short article,, supports what we here at Soul Tribe Sanctuary have been pointing out for a number of years now:
Individuals can take a few steps to join the fight against this kind of manipulation.
Don’t believe every piece of content that appears on your social media feed, especially from unverified sources.
Access links with caution, and be selective when approving friend or follow requests.
Limit the amount of private information that you provide online. More information makes it easier for cyber troops to tailor content.
Read the privacy policy of the social media apps that you’re using to understand how your information is being used.
Educate yourself on how to detect and ignore content that aims to sway your opinion or spread hate.
Ways to counter this onslaught against humanity, and your individual Spirit spark, are an important part of the Wellness LifePath and Prymal PathWorking. And in turn a component to your Spirit Journey or Spirit Quest if you choose to incorporate it into your planning. You can still get started on your LifePath and/or PathWorking before the official launch by scheduling the corresponding consultation on our Services Scheduler page: or our amazing Spirit Journey/Spirit Quest packages here:
The Wellness LifePath modules, in particular, discuss things like how to recognize the manipulations of people and algorithms, how to counter them, and how to research and use the internet as YOUR tool. Wellness LifePath is a system of practical application to reclaim your creative potential and to get your life back from the clutches of The Simulation. You can choose the Wellness LifePath as a theme component to your Spirit Journey or Spirit Quest too.
Join us today. The Red Thread of Humanity, Spirit, and Prymal await....
💜💙💜 great read. I'm so glad I have a very clear in depth understanding of this all now