I truly hope you will take the time to read these words, listen to and watch these vids, and temper your human emotions that are being used against you. Feel them. Honor them. OWN them. But STOP handing them over to the lurking algorithms. Regardless of who/what you think is driving those algorithms.
Suspend the reactions and find your core being again. Reclaim your human experience and let Spirit take back the steering wheel. Own it and let's get Spirit back to being Spirit-driven again, through the sacred human experience, shall we?
Prymal or Simulation...the choice is nigh.
Being "Black Pilled" is the passive/aggressive, tongue-in-cheek, euphemism Q-folk came up with to describe exactly what their programming was designed to do. Instead of the Red Pill or the Blue Pill trip down the Rabbit Hole, they perfected the Black Pill of confusion and depression, of paranoia and delusion. They describe it as being hammered by the "truth" to the point of becoming deeply depressed. Ripe to be egged into becoming angered, propaganda peddlers to take the edge off the discomfort of the designed helplessness states. And even graduated to trained Info Porn Pimps to magnify the peddling to the masses. Making the propaganda machine all the more efficient over time.
Being a proud, first generation conspiracy nut myself, I would like to share my own progression through the term "Conspiracy Theorist." Back in the early days ("I'm talking 70s and 80s here) I proudly wore the badge Conspiracy Theorist. We had a very tight, scientifically-driven, subset community back then. JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcom X, Vietnam, and Ufology were the main subjects. Then we moved into the Reagan financial stuff, War on Drugs, and Satanic Panic programming step up. In stepped another round of Bush, 9/11, and sprinklings of Clinton and Obama - the exponential escalation sequence popped into full gear. Then the Trump card was pulled. Every facet of politics, religion, finance, environment, medical, etc branched out into their own specialty propaganda niches to provide an all encompassing smorgasbord of fear and information porn and the elusive, unseen boogeyman fueling the paranoia.
The Bush-style smearing of "Conspiracy Theorists" became a thorn in our sides. We proudly stood up to the name calling and dismissive jeering tactics. It was quickly identified how lucrative human emotive reaction programming could be. It was no longer satisfying enough to systematically research and report, taking the time to make changes within the system as discoveries were made. People discovered how to make money by digitalizing the tabloid and Paprazzi frenzy. And then it was also discovered how easily folk could be herded and swayed through the Silicon Valley algorithm spawn.
"They" figured out how to use our natural suspicions and passions against us with carefully planted escalation seeds and wilder and wilder "theories" no better than fabricated mud slinging and gossip tactics of old. Blurring of the lines between fact and fantasy. With less and less research discipline. With less and less journalistic integrity. All being rewarded through social media. Baiting a younger generation already addicted to drama, gaming, and online dopamine hit activity to scramble for their 30 seconds of fame by scratching for attention, likes, followers, and finances. In steps LARPing, ARGing, and false connection sesitivities. Systematically dumbed-down critical thinking skills disguised as being "woke." Emotional intelligence bottoming out, leaving the doors to the psyche flung wide open. Perfect Simulacras ripe for herding. And completely oblivious to what was being dumped into the powerful human subconscious.
Many will really have to work very hard to resist the Q-Spiracy type "cabal" and "deep state" fantasy bullshit land mines to listen to this. Especially if you are biting at the bit to scream, "Not ME. I'm too woke to be fooled by THEM." Whomever "THEY" are in your mind. There are many "THEMS" to choose from. And all the "THEMS" are pitted against all the other "THEMS" keeping the pot stirred to maximum efficiency. And, "I'm too savvy and smart to be fooled by an invisible algorithm into not thinking for myself." It has little to do with how "smart" you are and are not. Just pick which flavor of divisionary and separatism version best fits your world view being baited. That is where your vulnerabilities lie. It totally explains what has happened with this built up inversion of reality. Immature emotional states and crippled critical thinking skills make for an explosive Simulacra Soup. And the pressure cooker is about to literally explode.
Feedback loops and self-fulfilling prophecies are lurking EVERYWHERE. And our very best human qualities and characteristics are being exploited. Human attention, the emotional byproduct we used to call "loosh," has become the elixir commodity for the insatiable Demiurge/Wetiko frequency lurking in the minds of the puppets who think they are the masters. The victims who think they are the heroes. The heroes who think they are the victims. Hiding WITHIN humans who insist the "bad guys" are any number of aliens, demons, reptilians, other races, other religions, other genders, other ______, etc when, in fact, it is merely humans who have bought into the insatiable frequencies running them. Diverting the cause to something "out there" when the catalyst lies within.
We first-generation conspiracy nuts most certainly did NOT wish our curiosity and suspicions to get sucked into the resulting mess out there following this infiltration. My discomfort with my once proud badge of Conspiracy Theorist while defending it has since dissolved into bitter disappointment. Disappointment in the fringe/alt community itself allowing it to become the mess it is today. Completely redefining and restructuring all of the blood, sweat, and tears we First Generation Conspiracy Nuts built the community on. The frustration of trying to point out the conspiracy taking over the conspiracy hunters to the newer generation of programmed conspiracy hunters who swallowed the black pill...and well, here we are. Mind numbed. Grieving.
PLEASE question your conspiracy paranoia and check yourself. Before it is too late.
The hottest topics and subjects these snares run through right now include: pedophilia, adrenochrome, PizzaGate, racism, BLM, Cancel Culture, Sov Cit, Amendment Auditors, Moorish Nationalism, all bi-partisan politics, all angles of religion, Galactic Federation/Great White Brotherhood, Fire Blood, Holy Grael, Angels/Demons, Ancient Aliens, Ascended Masters, Love & Light, cabal, Black Sun, Black Cube, anti-Universe, anti-Life, Satan/Lucifer scapegoating, End Times, Revelations, Armageddon, Falon Gong, Scientology, Gender Identity, Germ Paranoia, Environmental and weather manipulation, RFDI Chips, Yellowstone Blowing, Cascades Slipping, Niburu, Planet X, Flat Earth, Giant Trees, Codex Alimentarius/Agenda 21, Georgia Guide Stones, Secret Societies, Mystery Schools, Targeted Individuals, and on and on....
These emotively reactionary subjects have been dripped into the feeds like clockwork. One or two presented for a while and when the desensitization is detected, the next set are dropped. And round and round the media merry-go-round goes. Keeping a steady drip feed of adrenaline, endorphins, and neurotransmitters swirling. Telling us to stay away from "low vibrations" from which we heal. Convincing us to seek only "high vibrations" until we burn out. Glimmers of a truth dropped into the algorithms and spun just enough to fuck with your mind. Meant to rattle loose the very fibers of your psyche. To herd your attention into whichever Rabbit Hole pays the best dividend that day. And it has been quite effective. I have to give it that much credit. Clever. But only replication sequences. Never creation sequences. And meant to suppress our own human creative sacredness. Fooled to think otherwise. Typical parasitic behavior. Typical predatory behavior. Fine tuned.
These are all pieces of the propaganda machine directly influencing people right now. The Perfect Storm compilation of Ages of test runs and observations. Channeled through marketing and consumerism funnels. Preying on religious, financial, and medical fears. Not to say there is not a tiny bit of truth or reason for suspicion within any of these mentioned. THAT is why the techniques work so well, btw. But PLEASE call your fear-and-anger-run-rampant herding instinct to the mat. NOW. If you don't, YOU will continue becoming the problem that will rapidly shred humanity to its core. YOU are responsible for stopping this train wreck. By stopping the urge to spread more discourse by trying to prove you and whatever cause you subscribe to as "right."
"...Nobody's right if everybody's wrong..." (Buffalo Springfield). Echoes past show the conflict is now in our own streets and not "over there somewhere."
STOP... BREATHE... We "win" by not playing and not being played. We are smarter than this. We are worthy of our humanity. And it is up to us to prove that.
The stronger your defense mechanisms and emotional reactions were tweaked when reading through that list above, the more deeply the level of influence is running you. If you are an emotional basket case right now, you are being herded. Simple as that. And only you can stop it. By dealing with YOU. Not "THEM."
PS...that list above is certainly NOT all inclusive. This shit is coming at humanity from ALL directions right now.
Watch here for the official launch of our Wellness LifePath, practical application of human in today's world. It will be presented again very soon and added to our Spirit Journeys and Spirit Quests. In the meantime, seek out that pause between breaths. Contact us when you are ready. <3
Blessings, Gratitude, & Safe Passage
Final edit finished. <3