For people who are serious about making an informed awareness choice between Prymal and Simulation. This one gets right to the core of the Attention Economy and how the herding programs are hard at work all around us I have been warning about for decades, The Perfect Storm build up, has been the focus on the test runs of the 80s, 90s, and up to 2020's Perfect Storm. I hope you will make the time to have a listen to these rudders of reason in a sea of unsanity and step out of the emotive herding programs like Q-spiracy, InfoWars, and all the fractionated social/activist movements. Become a solution of reason instead of the fuel for the impending implosion of humanity. See how you are being led to the slaughter.
Remember "Cybernetics" that is mentioned in this interview is Scientology. Scientology is the Western side of the coin, while Falon Gong is the Eastern. Both have infiltrated left and right, blue and red, light and dark, etc... - psyche/bio/sou/Spirit - form and non-form. We are rapidly approaching the final grains in our humanity hourglass.